
Disabilities And Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Decent Essays

Individuals with known disabilities can be an asset to an organization that hires them. There are jobs that require specific requirements and there are those that may be tailored to an individual with a disability. With regard to this requirement organization managers have the Americans with Disabilities Act, which is located under the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to help guide them. It is this law that makes it illegal to discriminate against those that are otherwise qualified for a position, but have a disability. There are procedures that must take place not only for people with attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but for everyone that has a diagnosed disability.
The first order of business is that organization leaders, managers, and hiring teams need to understand the Americans with Disabilities Act and know that it is illegal to mistreat an individual with a disability because they have a disability. According to Baumga¨rtner, Bo¨hm, and Dwertmann (2014) the number of people with disabilities is growing and there is a certain level of experience that rests with them. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2016) there is a wide range of topics that the law has identified to be discriminating when a person with a disability is not treated the same as those without.
Employment priorities such as hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, and fringe benefits should be

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