
Dinner At The Homesick Restaurant

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Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant by Anne Tyler is an amazing piece of literature that indulges in the darker aspects of humanities and families. This novel allows the readers to understand the truest part of families and how although they seem picture perfect it does not always mean that. Anne Tyler has an excellent writing style that allows the readers to explore each character 's point of view and grasp how each deal with the same situation in different ways. This novel is important to keep in our library because of how it has similar features with Southern culture, effects of abandonment and abuse, and how a person can experience the same situation but turn out different.
The first most important aspect of keeping this literature …show more content…

In fact, this has some extreme similarities to the Southern culture, although it takes place in the North. Even so, if a Southerner would read this literature, they would not think it is from the North, but taking place in the South if they did not read where its location is. For the South, a person 's name is everything to them, it truly identifies them as a person. This is crucial to Pearl, who tries to keep her reputation in tact with her name. She does not want her name or her families name to be full of corruption.
The second most important aspect of keeping this literature novel is because of the great emphasis it provides on the effects of abandonment. In this novel, Beck Tull evidently leaves behind his wife and three children, causing Pearl to take on the role of being a single-parent. Consequently, this has a toll on how each of these four characters’ cope with the lack of having a second provider for them. At this point, the reader can begin to see how much strain it puts on each of these characters.
From Pearl 's point of view, the abandonment of her husband makes her weak if she announces it which is shown from when she states, "it was unthinkable to cry in front of the children. Or in front of anyone. Oh, she had her pride! She was not a

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