Occasionally used through the 12th week. After dilation of the cervix, a curette is inserted into the uterus. The baby’s body is cut into pieces and extracted, often by suction. The uterine wall is then scraped to remove the placenta and confirm that the uterus is empty.
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
Performed up to 18 weeks. Forceps are inserted into the uterus, grabbing and twisting the baby’s body to dismember it. If the head is too large it must be crushed in order to remove it.
Dilation and Extraction (D&X or Partial Birth Abortion)
Performed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. The cervix is dilated. Forceps extract the live baby by the feet until the head is just inside the cervix. Scissors then puncture the skull, allowing the abortionist
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A hormone-like compound is injected into the muscle of the uterus causing intense contractions and pushing out the baby. The violent contractions often crush the baby to death, though many babies have been born alive using this procedure, then left to die.
Used through the seventh week of pregnancy, RU-486 is a synthetic steroid that blocks the hormone progesterone. Women then take a second drug, prostaglandin to induce contractions and expel the dead baby. Ella, another abortion drug, works in the same way.
Saline Injection
Usually performed during months four through seven. A 20% salt solution (the normal salt solution is .9%) is injected through the mother’s abdomen into the baby’s amniotic fluid. The baby ingests the solution and dies of salt poisoning, dehydration, and hemorrhaging of the brain. The baby’s skin is burned off. A dead or dying baby is delivered. A baby born alive is usually left unattended to die, though some have survived.
Suction Abortion
After dilation of the cervix, a suction curette (a tube with a serrated tip) is inserted into the uterus. The strong suction (29 times the power of a household vacuum cleaner) tears the baby’s body apart and sucks it through the hose into a container. This is the most common method of abortion in the first 12 weeks of
The government seemed to agree with this statement because the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act was passed in 2003. The U.S. Legislation even released a statement saying “ A gruesome and inhumane procedure that is never medically necessary and should be prohibited”. There was also a statement from our then president, President Bush “ Terrible form of violence directed against children who are inches from birth”(Chittom and Newton). Complications for having an abortion increase 36% after the eighth week. The death of a woman grows higher with the longer you wait. There are 8.9 deaths for every one million abortions at 20 week or later("ABORTION AFTER THE FIRST TRIMESTER.").There are two common methods for having a Late-term Abortion Dilation and Evacuation(D and E), and Intact Dilation and Extraction( D and X). The most common one out of the two is Dilation and Evacuation. Dilation and Evacuation is the process of dismembering and extracting in pieces. Intact Dilation and Extraction is the more gruesome of the two. The process can take two to three days. First you dilate the cervix, then put the baby in a breech position. A breech position is where the baby is coming out feet first. The next thing is the doctor will pull the feet then proceed to go in, and make an incision at the base of the skull. The brain tissue is then removed and the skull collapses, and the rest of the body is removed( Chittom and
The way late term abortion are performed after 20 weeks gestation, are most commonly performed by dilation and evacuation (these procedures are used for 96% of abortions at 13 weeks of gestation) or dilation and extraction. Neither of these methods involve “ripping babies out of the womb” and the fetuses are not alive during such procedures. During the dilation
A commonly known procedure when it comes to hospital births are epidurals. An epidural is an injection of a drug between the “epidural space” which causes
Aborting a baby is a medical procedure that can have many risks and complications, such as an infection, a botched abortion, and/or infertility. The abortion procedure during the third trimester is called a partial birth abortion. During a partial abortion the medical practitioner who is performing the abortion begins by drawing the babies feet into the birthing canal. The medical practitioner purposely leaves the babies head embedded in the mother's cervix. Once the baby's head is in the cervix, the medical practitioner punctures the babies skull with a trocar. After the baby’s head is punctured, a catheter is inserted into the opening. Once the catheter is in place, it uses a powerful suction machine to remove the baby’s brain. After the baby’s brain is removed, his/her skull collapses and then the medical practitioner removes the lifeless baby from the mother's womb. The baby is removed in bits and pieces and is then discarded.
During the second trimester, a method is used called Dilation and Evacuation (D&E). During D&E, a forceps is used to take out larger pieces of the child, while a curette scrapes the smaller tissues out. Following this, a vacuum extracts any remaining pieces of the child. During the third trimester, a (now outlawed in most states) procedure is performed called “Partial Birth Abortion” During partial birth abortion, the child is partially delivered, and the skull is subsequently crushed or drilled into, thus killing the child.
Starting with the practices of abortion, which also depend on the number of weeks a woman is pregnant, the first is a medical abortion, which can be preformed within the first 50 days of a woman’s pregnancy by using a drug called “misoprostol” (Stutter Health). This causes an abortion without the need of surgery or a vacuumed (Stutter Health). The second form of abortion is the surgical abortion, this is perhaps the most common occurs by the 13th week of a pregnancy (SexInfo Online). This procedure starts with vacuuming out the uterus while the mother is under a mild amnestic (Stutter Health). While this procedure is being performed, medical professional Maureen Condic has concluded that fetuses can feel pain during the act of an abortion, “There is universal agreement that pain is detected by the fetus in the first trimester"
back of the fetus’ head and the brains are extracted with suction. This allows the fetus to
The method of abortion can be completed in many ways. Depending on how far the woman is in her pregnancy, she can be given go through a procedure where a vacuum is used to remove the fetus in her. When she is further in her pregnancy, she has to receive chemicals that hiders the growth and development of
This usually occurs during the second or third trimester. The cervix is dilated for the entry of surgical forceps (AbortionTV). The fetus is partly pulled though the vagina in a breech style. The legs of the fetus are hanging out of the womb. The doctor forces the scissors into the back of the head and spreads the scissors to increase the wound size. A suction cup is held over the fetus’s head as the brains are sucked out (AbortionTV). The body is removed and the womb is cleaned of any other birthing particles. The partial abortion procedure can have fatal side effects such as infection of the cervix, excessive bleeding of the womb, chances for the mother to be fertile decreases, and causes scarring of the uterine wall. Medical experts thought the fetus couldn’t feel the pain of the scissors going through its head but, they were wrong. Studies show that it can feel the pain three to five times more than an adult that would experience it (AbortionTV). The tiny fetus’s are sedated and numbed up so the won’t feel the intense pain.
The process of abortion is performed either medically with a pill or done surgically. Since abortion is legal in most states up to the 2nd trimester, imagine how developed some of these unborn children are at the time of abortion. The pill method causes a miscarriage to occur, while the surgical methods physically remove the baby. Vacuum aspiration involves removing the fetus by suction. The 2nd procedure of dilation and evacuation involves medically ripening the cervix and the manual removal of the fetus and placenta with forceps (Lohr, Fjerstad,
of rape or incest may not want to have the baby, as it would remind
xAn abortion is defined as a deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. There are many chemical contraceptives and morning after pills that some would also consider a form of abortion though for the sake of this paper we will only define the two main methods for performing an abortion. An Aspiration is a surgical abortion usually performed within the first month gestation. This 10-15-minute procedure involves the suction of the uterus to remove the fetus and placenta. Recovery time can take as long as a few hours after the procedure. Dilation and Evacuation is a surgical abortion performed beyond the 16-week gestation period. This involves a synthetic dilator the day before, as well as using a shot to guarantee fetal death. After this, removal of the tissue away from the lining will begin. Suctioning completes the process to ensure all contents are completely removed. This procedure usually last between 15-30 minutes. Both Aspiration as well as Dilation and Evacuation procedures can come with the risk of side effects including cramping, nausea, bleeding, sweating and infection.
Intervention procedures can include induction, episiotomy, and caesarean section. Induction is an artificial way to start labor using one of the following induction methods: membrane stripping or sweeping via the health-care providers’ finger to separate the cervix from the tissue around the baby’s head. Rupture of membranes using a sterile hooked instrument. Cervical ripening with the insertion of either a prostaglandin gel or a balloon-like catheter. Pitocin, a synthetic hormone given through an IV drip in steadily increasing amounts to stimulate contractions
The most probable method of abortion is called dilation and curettage. General anaesthetic is provided to the pregnant mother while the gynaecologist opens (dilates) the cervix with instruments called dilators, and then inserts a hollow tube through the cervix. Suction is applied to remove the retained tissue in the uterus. If the abortion is to be carried out on the 20th-24th week, 2 general anaesthetics with 2 nights will be supplied.
Descriptive: Abortion is the termination of an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. It is a controversial issue affecting our society and raises ethical issues. Abortions can be performed before nine weeks from the last menstrual period and is performed either surgically with the removal of the fetus or medically with drugs. From nine weeks until 14 weeks, an abortion is performed by a dilatation and suction curettage procedure. After 14 weeks, abortions are then performed by an evacuation procedure. After 20 weeks of gestation, abortions can be performed by labor induction, prostaglandin labor induction, saline infusion, hysterectomy, or dilatation and extraction.