
Digication Reflection

Decent Essays

I am on target with meeting the weekly milestone deadlines and the content requirements. However, as I complete the final synthesis paper I will edit the sections within Digication to reflect any changes made within the paper that are relevant. I have yet to upload a professional photograph, but when I have one taken, I will add this to the welcome page above the quotation image. When I began using Digication, it was time consuming to grow accustomed to how to maneuver around and complete tasks, which included editing the background, when customizing it to reflect my unique identity as an MSW student and an individual. Now that I have been utilizing it on a regular basis, making changes has become quicker to accomplish. The process of building my portfolio has helped me …show more content…

I did not have the time during my concentration year internship to generate a physical copy of my work, but I was prepared when entering my second field placement, that I would keep an electronic filing system for all programs I was involved with. This was very helpful when building my portfolio, because I kept detailed records of artifacts, which made it easier to edit and upload. Also, I had the luxury of spending most my time in direct contact with clients, which meant I had many artifacts to choose from. It was difficult to hone in on only a few, because I really enjoy reflecting on all the work that was accomplished at my agency by my patients and myself. Additionally, it has been an interesting experience being an online student and being tasked with creating an online portfolio, because prior to my MSW I was not very computer savvy. I appreciate the opportunity to enhance my computer skills, along with earning my MSW, which will benefit me when entering the workforce. The online portfolio allows me a space to showcase my work, knowledge acquired in the classroom, and ability to drawn upon that knowledge-base and skill set, which helps instill confidence in my abilities

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