Differentiated instruction is a flexible and individual approach to instruction. It’s the way in which a teacher satisfies the needs of students within the classroom. Not all students in a classroom learn a subject in the same way or share the same level of ability. There are low achievers and gifted students that the teacher should be aware of, and make sure to help with all the different needs from both groups of students. Differentiated instruction is necessary to the success of students who have special needs. In order to address a variety of learning abilities and learning styles in the classroom, Miss. Al-Haiki uses many ways to help her students, for example, a workshop approach, which helps students with math, reading, and writing.
Differentiating instruction is a valuable instructional management and delivery tool, which can be used to assist teachers in meeting the needs of the diverse populations of students which they now find in their classrooms. In using these strategies, a teacher may use pre-assessments to determine the learning styles, interests and readiness of the students, prior to the introduction of a lesson or unit. After developing a learner profile, the teacher may then differentiate according to the readiness of the student, by process of delivery, and by the product which the student may produce to
After reviewing my self evaluation and working with both groups of fifth graders, I have determined a need to provide a wider range of differentiated instruction. I have worked in the past to try groupings that benefited the students, but I am seeing that this is not working as well with this group. These students communicate and respond well to each other and are willing to help each other but some of the learning gaps between them are significant.
Mrs .Sikkema said she has foyr high achiever students and two students who are on behavioral plans (Sikkema,2015,personal communication). She also said it is important to document and observe the students so you can understand their needs. I like how Mrs. Sikkema meet the learning needs of all the children in her classroom. Mrs.Sikkema help me to do my lesson plan in a timely manner. When I observe the classroom I was shock that the students was well behaved and attentive to the students. I have a lot of expereiences implementing different leson plans which was time consumer but it help me to do be able to implemnent a lesson plan in the future. Differentiated Instruction for Exceptional Learners provides an introduction to children and youth with a wide range of exceptional educational needs. There are five learning style auditory, visual, tactile, kinesthetic, and tactile/ kinesthetic (Differeitate Instructional
In response to the varied student learning needs, differentiation will be a key component of this classroom. It is “designed to improve access to the general education curriculum by adapting instruction to each student’s diverse learning needs” (Smith, 2007). “Differentiation instruction means changing the pace, level, or kind of instruction you provide in response to individual learners’ needs, styles, or interest” (Heacox, 2012). Because each student comes to this 6th grade classroom with unique needs, differentiation will implemented frequently to ensure that each student receives the rigor needed to master the 6th grade curriculum. It will be relevant to your student and his/her needs. It will provide an appropriate level of challenge. It will be engaging and at times, it will offer choices. Delivery of differentiated instruction will frequently involve centered based learning activities and small group instruction. A list and description of some of the centers will be distributed to parents and is attached as Appendix
Differentiation can be guided by a teaching assistant. The teacher will plan guided reading sessions
Differentiated instruction is different from traditional classroom instruction in several ways. In differentiated instruction, teachers use on-going assessments instead of on assessment at the end of the unit. Differentiated instruction also uses flexible grouping, such as small groups or peer pairs, rather than simply whole-group instructions. Additionally, differentiated instruction uses an array of teaching methods based on the students learning style. Finally, differentiated instruction uses a variety of learning materials.
Differentiated instruction is a system that teachers use to inform the different learners that they have in their own classrooms. In differentiated instruction teachers use different teaching methods to help identify the different types of learner they have in their class.It is also a variety of grouping methods in the classroom to help pupils according to their needs. Differentiated instruction includes continues formative assessment which helps the teacher to understand and change instruction based on individual student needs
Differentiated instruction takes into account many different instructional practices and teaching strategies that will allow the educator to meet the needs of every student within the classroom. Mannion, Miller, Gibb, & Goodman (2009) stress that in order to allow for learning of diverse populations, educators should consider differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction follows closely with the asset-based approach that acknowledges the wide range of talents and abilities in each classroom. Levy (2008) defines this type of instruction as instruction that helps educator’s takes students from where they are, acknowledging their own strengths and moving them
One of their four part mission is “to disseminate information about research-based practices related to literacy instruction and assessment for children in pre-K through 12th grade (p.1). One of the suggestions on strategies they recommend for teachers to be effective is to use differentiated instruction. Differentiaed Instruction is discovering the individual learner’s needs and learning style to match instruction to accommodate those learning styles and needs.
Differentiated instruction is a very important aspect to the school environment. Every student learns at a different pace and it’s imperative to guide them at a comfortable rate. In the first YouTube video, “Differentiation and The Brain: A discussion with Carol-Ann Tomlinson,” Carol Ann Tomlinson explicitly explains her take on differentiated instruction, and how it can be applied in school. In the second YouTube video, “Getting Started on Differentiated Instructions” Carol Ann Tomlinson discusses how differentiated instruction is responsive teaching and how teachers need to proactively plan varied approaches (Tomlinson, 2005). It was interesting to read about her take on differentiated instruction through her article, “What is differentiated
This literature review serves to provide readers with information regarding the influence differentiated instructional strategies have on ELLs. This close examination of the research will help to inform educators ragarding their pedagogical practices by providing teachers
Differentiation is the tool used by educators who recognize that all students come to them with different readiness levels and learning styles. It allows us to meet the needs of each individual student while meeting the standards developed by state and national education associations. Additionally, there are many different types of differentiation that can be used in a classroom: teachers can create learning centers, use differentiated assessments, and develop anchor activities, etc. Currently, I utilize differentiated assessments, but my goal for the upcoming school year is to utilize more learning centers and to incorporate anchor activities into my daily classroom routine.
Differentiation is an advanced form of scaffolding designed to meet each students level and ability. Pearl Subban proposes that teachers can create a model of differentiated instruction to increase academic diversity. Subban reports that,“ current educational trends across the globe reflect significant changes in student populations from two or three decades ago” (2006). In the 21st century we have the inclusion of students that range from english language learners, special needs students, and gate students. In order to differentiate instruction, we must recognize student’s diverse cultural backgrounds and how that plays a role in adjusting curriculum to meet the needs of all students. Subban’s work clarifies or makes apparent the gap between the learning stances of responsive teachers who do not want to change their
5. Differentiated instruction based upon assessments data for those needing enrichment and remediation by all
The best way to incorporate differentiated instruction in the classroom is to discover what motivates a student in the classroom. We need to know our students and what motivates them (Tomlinson, 2012). Motivation will be the determination for success in education. When we think about differentiated instruction and incorporating motivation this is just common sense (Tomlinson, 2013). The very existence of learning depends on motivation. It is our job as teachers to meet the needs of our diverse learners (Schmitges, 2014). A little bit of motivation is like a candle in the darkness. It just takes one person to step out and light the candle and the whole room will be filled. To understand how important motivation is to differentiated instruction, three case studies were looked at.