
Examples Of Differential Reinforcement

Decent Essays

Mark’s teacher should begin by implementing differential reinforcement with Mark. Differential reinforcement is used to decelerate undesirable behaviors by reinforcing alternative behaviors. Reinforcement increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again in the future. Therefore, these reinforced alternative behaviors are acceleration target behaviors. There are four main types of differential reinforces, including incompatible behaviors, competing behaviors, any other behaviors, and a low frequency of the undesirable behavior (Spiegler, 2015). Differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors is the optimal type to use because it implements targeting a deceleration behavior and an acceleration behavior that cannot be performed at the same time (Spiegler, 2015). For example, since Mark cannot sit still in his chair, then an incompatible behavior would be to stand next to his chair. Another example is instead of blurting out answers, Mark could just not talk at all. However, in a classroom setting these, and other similar …show more content…

This is used when a client engages in a disruptive behavior in order to receive reinforcement, which is likely what happens in Mark’s classroom. He receives attention from the teacher, and from other students, for not behaving in class. Therefore, it would be useful for Mark to learn appropriate ways to communicate his want for reinforcement. The teacher could implement this by teaching Mark to raise his hand and wait his turn to speak rather than blurting out, and then reinforcing Mark each time he performs this trained communicating behavior (raising his hand) regardless of what Mark says once he is called on. This way Mark would still receive the attention he desires, without the negative drawbacks. However, it is likely that this method of teaching Mark to raise his hand was tried previously and did not work (Spiegler,

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