
Different Perspectives In Dickens And Charles Dickens's Tale Of Two Cities

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If we want to make changes in our Lives, then we will have to look at the causes and the way we are using our minds, the way we are thinking. For, “No two things can occupy the same space at the same time. You can’t have a positive thought & hold on to the negative one. Choose one.” ~Louise Hay. We all have the will and heart, the courage and braveness to let go of the past and to learn from it, and not to dwell in it. So, after all how can something, be both positive and Negative at the same time. Well in a very simple way of putting it, an event can be both positive and negative at the same time. It all comes down on what perspective you are seeing the event from. For, different perspectives can show us stories in a whole other way and in a whole new light. During the book Tale of Two Cities written by Charles Dickens, you could see this view in many different ways. First, you could see how Carton spend a lot of time criticizing himself and imagining that he would never be able to change. This caused him to not even try and to just live life, in a sad state. Next, sacrifice can be positive and it usually means to have new beginnings. On the other hand, you are usually losing something dear to you, which hurts you for the rest of your life. That is why, no one should dwell in the past, but learn from it and move on. Lastly, courage could be a positive and at the same time a negative aspect. It all depends on our own personal perspective, or viewpoint.
“It was the best

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