
Different Approaches During The Great Depression

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“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself (” At the time of the Great Depression the people were panicked, this quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt helped to demonstrate that there was hope left after all the tragic events. Despite the Great Depression was a tragic day in history, society has been benefitted by making different approaches and laws because of the mistakes that were made during the Great depression, electing Franklin D. Roosevelt to which he made new regulations, and passing the first Social Security Act by Congress.
The Great Depression was a critical event that people will remember because of its tragedy. Nearly half of the country’s banks failed by 1933, and thirteen to fifteen Americans were unemployed. “Millions …show more content…

“A record 12.9 million shares were traded that day, known as “Black Thursday” Five days later, on “Black Tuesday” some 16 million shares were traded after another wave of panic swept Wall Street” ( Staff). Due to the panic selling, new financial regulations were put into place to prevent panic selling from occurring in the future and to keep the stock market safe for investors. The first of four banking panics took place in 1930, it was a loss of confidence insolvency of their banks by large numbers of investors and they demanded deposits of cash. The people ran to the bank because they had distrust in their bank, but this puts us in financial instability, and new bank procedures and regulations, which help banks, become more solvent in the future. The New Deal aided in recovery from the Great Depression was the (TVA) they built dams and the (WPA) which help control flooding ( Staff). “By the Great Depression the government tried to fix the economy by government spending. An example was the WPA, building roads, dams, and infrastructure projects. Due to the mistakes that were made during the Great Depression different approaches and regulations were made to benefit …show more content…

Legislation created an act for retiring workers 65 or older because of the serious poverty situation. The Social Security Act covered elderly from poverty and they would receive payments so they could be covered when they retire. This was due to all the elders in the Great Depression in poverty; this now helps our modern society by helping elders when they retire. For the first time Americans were provided with unemployment, disability, and pensions for old age because of the Social Security Act in 1935 ( Staff). “By passing this act it helped all the people that were unemployed during the Great Depression, which will help benefit modern society to help get the people and us out of debt like not being able to pay for bills or needs. “The legislation also included such things as aid to dependent children, maternal and child health care provisions, and aid to the blind (Behlar).” The act helped to target and cover people with disabilities so that they would have enough money to help cover medical bills. This was beneficial to modern society because of the many people in poverty today do not have enough money to spend on treatments for these disabilities which led to them getting sick or even dying. To

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