
Differences Between To Kill A Mockingbird Book And Movie

Decent Essays

After reading To Kill A Mockingbird and watching the film, you can see many differences. Some of which were made in just this movie and others that would pertain to all movies in general. The film version of To Kill A Mockingbird came out in 1962. It starred Gregory Peck as Atticus and Mary Badham as Scout. This was as much a classic as the novel itself. Throughout its time, To Kill A Mockingbird received many Academy Awards, eight to be exact. Some of the nominations and awards were for best screenplay based on material from another Medium, Best Actor, Best Art Direction/Set Decoration, Black and White.
Most of the time most novels and films will complement each other. That is the case on many levels about To Kill A Mockingbird. Although they complemented each other, there are some things that a movie can accomplish that novels can not. Films will sometimes have limitations that novels don’t. …show more content…

If you had Scout narrating throughout the film like in the book, this would be very distracting. Instead of being distracted, Scout only presents to set the mood of the scene in the film. This makes it so views don’t get as strong of sense of Scouts first person narrations like in the book. Therefore this brings out only the childlike perspective portrayed in the story. In the film there is a lot of music that tries to point out the childs point-of-view. The music is child-like. They try to not use so many long difficult composers to keep the atmosphere

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