
Differences Between The Book And Movie

Satisfactory Essays

My thoughts on the movie are that it could have added more parts and details in parts such as when Scout is in school and then leads to the fight. A few other things that were left out are: Aunt Alexandria, Uncle Jack and Miss Stephanie additionally in the book Scout hears people calling Atticus a “nigger lover” but in the movie when he was called it she didn’t hear it. An example where detail was added was the part where Atticus throws the glass cup towards Tom to prove his point. I did not picture the setting the same from the book to the movie I kind of flipped it and also thought it would be more of straight roads than curvey.
There were a few characters that I felt were different in the movie than in the book because of the way they were described. I have thought that the Cunninghams were black because they were described as poor farmers and they were compared to the Robinsons. The movie had added a part where Bob Ewell kind of taunts Jem and Scout even before the trial. Atticus is more stern in the movie than in the book it is like he is more in control over Scout and Jem. Another character that seemed different to me is Calpurnia she seemed as …show more content…

I think that it was an important part, because throughout that whole part Scout, Jem and Dill had left and was talking about the reality of Maycomb with a man.
The reason they may have left all these details and characters out may have been to shorten the movie, reduce characters and make the personalities come into one, or to just switch the movie up a little. My thoughts on the book and movie overall is they both were great as far as for details, descriptions, and just a good novel. I would recommend To Kill A MockingBird movie and book in the future. My rate on To Kill a MockingBird on a book scale is a 5

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