
Differences Between Republicans And Democrats

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I think the main policy differences between Republicans and Democrats are: - Republicans give the benefit of the doubt to other Republicans and distrust all Democrats. Also, they are more business friendly and favors a more limited role of government in terms of regulating the economy. Therefore, Republicans may receive more support from the owners of business and investment capital. Republicans tend to take a more conservative stand on issues. So, they believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people's lives. - Democrats give the benefit of the doubt to other Democrats and distrust all Republicans. Also, they are said to rely more heavily on government intervention to influence the economy's direction and keep the …show more content…

So, they promote marriage between a man and a woman, and they also promote in the right of gun ownership. - About stance on immigration: The Democrats have a great support for the immigrant, who undocumented, for a moratorium on deporting, or offering a way to become the U.S citizen. About the Republicans, they against amnesty for any undocumented immigrants. - About the environment: The Democrats think restricting drilling for oil or use other fuels, such as green fuel or fossil fuels, to protect environment. However, the Republican favor expanded drilling for oil to produce more energy (the consumers can buy the fuels with low cost.) - About Tax policy, the Democrats want to cut tax for middle and low income families, but the tax need to increase on corporation and wealthy individuals. About the Republicans, they want to cut tax for

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