
Differences Between Red Riding Hood And The Red Riding Hood

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I couldn't remember how the story went as it has been some time since I read the story of Little Red Riding Hood. As I have discovered through the stories of "The Chinese Red Riding Hoods" translated by Isabelle C. Chang, the Delaure's version of "The Story of Grandmother", and the original Grimm's version of "Little Red Riding Hood" there are many versions with similarities and differences within each story. What makes these stories so different or the same? Though they are both fascinating, they are more similar than you realize.
Of all the different versions of the Little Red Riding Hood, they have one common factor, which is the wolf. In the versions I have mentioned above, the wolf stays the same throughout the stories; he is very malicious and calculated. He waits for the little girl, or girls in the story of "The Chinese Red Riding Hoods," as there are three sisters whose mother left to go visit the grandmother. While the wolf was outside and overheard the mother asking for the oldest daughter to watch for her younger sisters. When it was dark, he disguised himself as an elderly woman and knocked at the door of the three girls' house (Chang 1). In the other two versions, the wolf comes upon Little Red Riding Hood as she enters the forest and asks her where she is traveling to. In the version of The Brothers Grimm, he comes right on out and asks her where her grandmother lives. On the way to the cottage, the wolf distracts the girl by asking her why she doesn't look

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