
Differences Between Men And Women

Decent Essays

This year BCA 210 classes were surveyed and 121 students successfully completed the questionnaire. More than 50 percent of the students were male (69 students) and 42.1 percent were female (51 students) with only one student did not report their gender. About half the students that filled out the survey were freshmen (68 students) while 23.9 percent are sophomore (29 students), 14.8 percent were juniors (18 students) and 4.9 percent seniors (6 students). Most of the students, 71.9 percent, were pursuing a BCA major (87 students) while only 13.2 percent were pursing BCA minor. The other remaining students had either another degree focus or they were undecided, both at 7.4 percent, nine students each. By using the survey instrument for …show more content…

Since BCA 210 is an introduction course to the BCA program it makes sense that a few freshmen could still be undecided of their major. The intended program of study at Central Michigan of the students who took BCA 210, χ2 (9, N = 121) = 27.54, p < .001. Out of 121 students in the class 68 (56.1 percent) were freshman and of those 68 students, 55 were pursuing a BCA major while only six were undecided. With a total of nine students were undecided about their intended program of study in BCA 210. The Crosstabs Chi-square test proved that this hypothesis to be statistically significant with all variables. For the last two hypotheses they focus on in gender plays a role in media today. It seems like more women are joining the media production degree. So, for the fourth hypothesis, does a student’s gender, watching films at home on the internet or on DVD or viewing films at a movie theater influence their interest in film production. Watching films at home on the internet or on DVD or viewing films at a movie theater Adj R2 = .089, p < .05. The total variation in the dependent variable, the intertest in film production can be explained by the independent variables at 89 percent, which is very large. The Linear Regression model proves statistically significantly of the variables. However, only affinity for viewing film on the internet (β= .27, p <. 05) was statistically significant

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