
Differences Between Jenny And Libby

Decent Essays

What did you like about this script? I enjoyed the two main protagonists, Jenny and Libby. Their characters were fleshed out well and their dynamic with each other always seemed balanced. The writer did a great job depicting the differences in each of their inner and outer objectives without letting it slug down the narrative progression. Jenny and Libby have their own lives separate from each other, but it does not get in the way of their connection. I thought that the subtle tension in the lawyer’s office on page 14 between Sheila and Jenny was good and it helped to explain why Jenny felt so much contempt for her. I also enjoyed Marco and Jenny’s relationship although seemed like told Jenny about the hit man business a little too early on page 21. …show more content…

For all intensive purposes, Marco represented the core of the script despite the fact that he and his brother were in the hit man business. Subsequently, I think it would have been nice if Marco and Libby had more scenes together because he could have given her a bit of advice on life while she was struggling. Lastly, I felt that the writer did a great job establishing special emotional beats for Jenny, Libby, and Marco to face throughout the script without them being overly obvious or stereotypically clichéd. Besides her work life, Jenny had to face her inner self. Libby was plagued with her failing marriage, but also a fear of change. Where as Marco was grappling with his over barring brother, Anthony, his smothering mother, Maria and the fact that he needed to take control of his own life. What do you think needs

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