Like the English and the Dutch, the French decided to try to become friends with the natives. A close friend on the explorers was the huron tribe, the french colonies and the huron tribe live in peaceful coexistence, even marriages between the natives and the french. But soon europe disease killed many on the huron.
The French and American Revolution had similar goals, and were caused by the lack of the same things. First came the American Revolution: the movement that formed the United States. Later, the French Revolution came inspired by the Americans. Both of these revolutions were lead by leaders including: George Washington was the commander and chief of the American Revolution. Maximillien Robespierre the leader of the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution. Cornwallis The leader of Britian in the American Revolution. John Adams who signed the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson the author of the Declaration of Independence.
The American and French revolutions continue to be two momentous events that have a multitude of similarities, along with differences. Both the Americans and the French decided to rebel because of the maltreatment which obligated them to follow unfair rules, along with having to pay a vast amount of taxes. Each revolution also came as a result of the people trying to claim their independence, along with their freedom from the government that controlled them. Once the revolutionists won, the Americans, along with the French created their own political documents. While these revolutions contain more similarities, a difference that appears would be that the Americans received outside assistance from French troops, and the French received nothing.
The French actually exploited existing inter-tribal alliances and rivalries to establish trade relationships. Instead of attacking stealing and robbing them, the French treated the Indians fairly by trading goods like beads, fur and alcohol, and becoming friends with the Indians. The Native Americans and French maintained a friendly relationship, most likely because the French treated them very well. Intermarriage was also common between the French and Native Americans. During the French and Indian war, the French had many Native Americans helping them.
See after the war the in the Treaty of Paris the British agreed to make sure that none of the French remaining in the Americas would be secure. Many of the French that had stayed behind were still residing in Quebec so for the British they had to no longer worry about their colonists, but the Frenchmen too. Most of the French's ideology didn’t match with the British. First off many were of Catholic faith and they were according to the Treaty of Paris not to lose their lands. What the British could do though is exclude them from certain practices such as voting and holding office due to their religious faith. So for many of the Frenchmen they would see new elected officials who might not fit their culture or religious ideals. This would cause some issues for them as well just like how their American colonists were experiencing at the time.
The discovery of an unexplored land, ripe with untouched resources led for a scramble between powerful European nations for a foothold in the new world. Two of the nations, French and Great Britain with their age long rivalry and conflict brought their festered hatred for each other with them as they lay claim to as much land as they could. One dispute over the Ohio River Valley evolved into what is now known as the 7 Years War (1754-1763). A long and grueling conflict which ended in the decimation of the French causing them to be driven out of the continent altogether, leaving the British a master of a massive empire. However, their hold did not last long as colonists rebelled against the English crown 12 years later, for many of their injustices
In the early beginnings of exploration, both the British and French had relatively good relationships with the Indians because of the economic success that came with simple cooperation. The fur trade with the Native
If anyone deserved to share the New World with the Native Americans it would be the French. The English, the Spanish and the Dutch all mistreated the natives, but the French showed true respect for them. The beginning of the French’s attempts to settle in the New World were rocky and took time to create a great relationship with the Native Americans. What created such a strong relationship between the French and the Native Americans was the interest to trade. The relationship was so strong that it led to trading, inter-relationships between the French and Indians and even led to them being allies in many wars.
In today’s society Dieting and Exercise are very important in obtaining good health. Regular exercise has been long associated with fewer visits to the doctor, hospitalization and medication. Stomach cells regulate several functions such as sensation, motility, secretion, absorption, local immune defense and also your food intake. Many physicians today use dieting as an intervention to overcome health disorders and diseases such as crohns disease. Crohns disease is a chronic disorder that is associated with inflammation of the digestive tract. Over half a million Americans men and women have been diagnosed with crohns disease. Crohns disease is the most frequent functional gastrointestinal disorder, with a prevalence of 5% to 11%, and is associated with high cost of health care and reduced quality of life (Ligaarden & Farup 2011). Some environmental factors such as dietary factors and psychological stress can play a huge role on the clinical course of crohns Disease. More than two thirds of subjects with CD relate their symptoms to the intake of food, leading most patients to modify their diets ( Ligaarden & Farup 2011). Psychological stress has played a role in causing
They shared their knowledge of native languages and traditions. And they could help negotiate business with their Native families. This relationship showed respect and good treatment from both sides, leading the Natives to side with the French in many conflicts. (Rosentreter, Pg. 5). Many intermarriages of the time between the French and Native Americans were recorded in documents such as the Jesuits Relations.
The treatment of Indians by the French in Canada and English in Massachusetts was dramatic. The French had proceeded there way to North America and arrived in the 1500’s and was interested in establishing trading posts. There were settlements on St. Lawrence River that came to the point as a serving (as a base from which to invade and conquer the kingdom of Saguenay). The trade between the French and Indians was a development from these enterprises in trading military forts. There were many items that were traded such as beaver pelts, furs, textile, and metal that had attractions for both trading partners. The indigenous they interact with Huron in British because French settlements aren’t big. The hurons get upset with French because Jesuits try to convert them to Catholicism. The Hurons initially tolerate these conversions efforts, but grow to resent them. The hurons are exposed to disease that kills many of them. The French don’t provide adequate protection against the Iroquois. Among the disease victims were chefs, clan leaders, wise elders, and skilled craftspeople.” The Iroquois attack the Hurons and destroy their capital. The English desire for land created an antagonistic relationship with Wampanoag. The Puritans and the religious motivations for Plymouth are important. The interaction with Wampanoag the English wanted power and land. The 1621 treaty with the Wampanoag shows this desire for both. The Wampanoag see the British as
Of all the European people who became part of the Native American world, it was the French who came to know them best. Beginning with Samuel de Champlain French, the founder of Quebec, French people did not always feel that European ideas and customs were superior or better than everything else. They lived with, listened to, and learned from their Indian trading partners, with whom they shared trust, loyalty, and friendship. The deadly disease kill most of the Native Americans and lowering the population of the Native Americans. The most serious results of the conflicts between Native Americans and Europeans concerned the land owned by Native American Tribes.
There they could profit from trade, convert Natives to Christianity, and avoid any territorial conflict with stronger countries who had already claimed American land. At the time, the French knew they couldn't match the English and Spanish, and they feared trying to claim land farther south that either empire intended to colonize could cause conflict, which they could not afford. They had far fewer numbers, and were extremely dependent on supply ships and help from the Natives. The French had extremely good relations with some of the surrounding Native tribes, particularly the Huron, but in turn made common enemies by creating alliances. Through these alliances, they began to trade the natives for fur, which had an excellent market for Europe. Eventually, the French introduced firearms to the Natives, and the trade increased even further. In addition to trading, many French tried their best to convert their allies to Christianity, but most Natives took little interest in changing their religion. They did not wish to go to a different afterlife than that of their ancestors. Eventually, the Five Nation Iroquois, a group of Natives farther South and enemies of the Huron, ferociously attacked the Huron, devastating the French trade market and causing them to lose their allies. The French were able to increase their trade and convert some of the Natives, but they lost a lot of
The French and First Nations people had a rough start in their first encounters. The French were able to connect with the First Nations people and eventually establish a relationship with the First Nations people by using commercial trade. They used gifts and adapted protocol in order to gain the First Nations trust and acceptance. This trade helped both the French and the First Nations people. There were however, downsides to this contact including the spread of disease.
Administrative law in Canada is a form of public law, and no supreme legislation defines the principle of administrative law (Boyd 269). One important point to note that the applicability of judicial review of an administrative decision is the key issue for an administrative law (Boyd 271). Consider the case of Dr. Q v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia, in which, the committee of the college had established that the doctor was guilty of taking emotional and physical advantage of Ms. T, one of his patients. Ultimately, after investigation, the committee sanctioned Dr. Q. for 18 months. Dr. Q then appealed the decision under the Medical Practitioners Act. Upon her review of the case, British Columbia Supreme Court judge,
Born May 26, 1951, Sally Ride had a dream like many Americans. Dr. Ride received a bachelor’s degree in English and Physics, she persevered with her schooling and received her doctorate. In 1978, after receiving her Ph.d, Dr. Ride applied to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s astronaut program. She beat out over 1,000 other applicants for the courageous position. With patience and rigorous training, Dr. Ride finally got the chance to achieve her dream. STS-7 mission, June 18, 1983; Sally Ride was the first American woman to orbit in space. She was a mission specialist, using a robotic arm she sent out satellites into space. A year later Dr. Ride served another trip as a mission specialist. Years after working for NASA, Sally