
Differences And Similarities Between Catholic Church And Aboriginal

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To begin, the Catholic Church and Aboriginals share similarities in their lifetime milestone rituals. In Catholicism, the sacrament of Confirmation is essential in the initiation of a Christian. In particular, the rite of Confirmation “completes the grace of Baptism by confirming or ‘sealing’ the baptized person’s union with Christ” (Dailey 94). Evidently, Confirmation invokes a person’s willingness to practice their religion regularly. Furthermore, the ceremony emphasizes the transition from childhood to maturity. Through Confirmation, a Christian must choose to commit to their faith, and must be prepared to take their responsibilities. In a like manner, a vision quest has identical aspects with a Catholic Confirmation. When a boy has reached a level of maturity, they must go through …show more content…

In Catholicism, Christians attend worship service to practice their faith. During church, they do a variety of traditions, which include, “prayers, scripture readings, the singing of pslams from the Old Testament, the consecration of bread and wine, [and] communion” (Quinlan 275). Evidently, the liturgy is organized on the basis of strengthening one’s faith, by practicing on a weekly basis. Even more so, the church exhibits its faith by involving the community to celebrate the Lord together. In comparison, a powwow is very similar to a weekly Christian worship service. During a powwow, the participants celebrate through song and dance, prayer, ceremonies, and acts of hospitality and unity (“The Powwow”). Similar to the Holy Communion, powwow end their ceremony with a feast as an act of honor. Moreover, powwows are a form of community and are considered social gatherings in the Native American culture. Thus, the Christian Worship Service and an Aboriginal powwow have common qualities. However, these ceremonies are not the only way they practice their religion

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