
Difference Between Nag And Naamos

Decent Essays

GHAYRAT, NANG (CHIVALRY) Loyalty or Nang (Ghayrat) is defined by two sets of normative practices: honorable actions in battle and proper defense of honor. Norms of battle includes rules about who may be attacked, e.g., not civilians, or the proper distribution of war spoils. Honor is given to those who e.g. show fighting skills. It is not unusual for women to engage in battle, although more often their role is to support the male fighters by displaying their head shawl (Paroanai) to spur on the fight. They also reject dishonorable fighters and reward honorable fighters with distinction and are determined differently depending on the community. The social organization of Nang and Qalang creates, among different kinds of honorable fighters. Among the former, where there is more social and economic equality, all warriors who participate equally in the fighting are all honorable. Among the Qalang groups, on the other hand, being an honorable fighter depends on one’s social and economic class: the Khans are the warlords commanding the group and are considered on par with the Nang warriors participating in attacks. (Ahmed:1976) Nang and naamos are the two Pashto words give same meaning for honor, though each has a wider scope of meaning than the English word “honor” itself. Nang is a basic characteristic of Pashtun nature and character, giving …show more content…

Jirga addresss concerns, and look for solutions acceptable to all stakeholders. As an outline of Pashoon life, Jirga is best summarized as a strategic exchange between two or more people to address an issue through verbal communication. The exchange may or may not result in an agreement on the issue. The Jirga process itself leads the parties, including the interveners, to maintain a certain level of formal communication, thus ensuring

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