
Difference Between Media And Social Media

Decent Essays

Have you ever seen the show catfish? If you have you know that Its possible for people to try to take your identity and use it on social media to take advantage of others. There are three differences and similarities between both your personal identity and social media. I know this because I've had my own personal identity for eighteen years and my own social media accounts since I was thirteen years old without parental consent. Three similarities between social media and your personal identity are people will remember you from both, they're both important to you and describe you. Three differences are you could hide behind social media, your personal identity is forever, and online you could deceive people. Now that you know a few differences and similarities let me explain to you a little bit of the knowledge I have on these two topics.

When you sign up for any type of social media account overtime you will accumulate loads of friends and even family. Some of those people you added or followed on your page you may not even know but they've been your friend on social media for the longest. They will remember you especially if they pay attention to your posts. On Facebook, if someone passes away they set up the deceased person account to where people could post the memories they have with their loved one. Also, put "remembering" in front of that person's name. In person, your friends and family will remember the impact you made in their lives. Your smile, laughter, your

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