
Difference Between Charles Cooley And The Looking Glass Self

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Within the study of sociology, there are two well known men who had great contributions to what we now know about socialization. These two men were Charles Cooley and George Herbert Mead. Cooley created the concept of “The Looking-Glass Self,” simply described as the way of which people view themselves through the eyes of their peers. Mead, studied the “self” and created a concept known as the “I-Me” self which consists of three stages. While learning about socialization, one learns about the five primary agents of socialization: family, peers, schools, mass media, and religion. One also learns more specifically how the media plays a role in determining gender stereotypes. To begin, let’s talk about Charles Cooley. Like previously stated, Cooley created the concept known as “The Looking-Glass Self.” In a nutshell, this concept demonstrates the fact that each individual not only views themselves from their own standpoint, but rather, they internalize what they think other people think of them and begin to think likewise. This concept is broken down into three basic stages: perception, interpretation, and response. Perception is asked by the question, “how do I appear to others?” For example, after asking themselves this question, someone in this stage might conclude that their crush thinks they're too tall. Interpretation can be asked by the question “what must others think of me?” For example, the same person in my previous example could come to the conclusion that her

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