Christian Casas
Rafael Hernandez
The Everyday
A typical way of relating social/political issues to art assumes that art represents “the thing” one way or another. But there can be a more interesting perspective, which is looking at the field of art as a place of work. Basically look at what it does not what it shows. Amid all other forms of art, fine art has been associated with post-Fordist ideology. Post-Fordism is a popular system of economically based on production, consumption and has been in most industrialized countries since the late 20th century. Contemporary art is not an out of this world discipline hidden away in some remote building. In fact, it’s the opposite because it positions itself in the thick of things. It can function as a brand name without a brand feeding off the bits and pieces of social and political issues. Presently, contemporary art has grown apart from important hubs, which gives the artist a wider range of production and provides various opportunities for showcasing the work. In contrast, this has not always been the case. Artist in novels about portraitures are depicted as servants due to the flow of cash. Art should be functioning on its own without the need of an institutional backing in order to create separation between the artist and their work as well as what the work can “do”.
“Portraits appear as an object already existing in the world and about whose producer and the process of production not much (most often nothing) needs
President Jackson wrote a letter responding to the nullification of South Carolina in December 10, 1832. South Carolina wanted to reduce their tariffs, and by doing so will cause conflict with the constitution, resulting in a difficult decision for Jackson to make. Jackson’s views on the nullification was as expected for a president, he supported the constitution and did not want any conflict unless absolutely needed. His letter is about his view points on the nullification and what is needed to be done to handle the situation with South Carolina.
In the same manner that capitalism has been heralded as the “end of history,” has art under the current age of capitalist globalization come to an end as well? In an exchange between two artists, rapper M.I.A and portrait painter Kehinde Wiley for Interview magazine, art has come to its demise, at least in the United States. In claiming such a death of art, both artists used their personal experiences and observations to make a comparative evaluation of the state of art in New York and in developing countries they have visited. This paper analyzes the rhetorical techniques used by both artists – ethos, pathos, and logos – in problematizing what is wrong with the contemporary art scene at the moment.
This piece was created during a time of political and social change. Increased political awareness and a focus on celebrity demanded art that was more
Art is one aspect of the past that has carried on for decades. Art in any form may it be poetry, novels, and playwright, sculpting as well as painting, has been an outlet for generations and continues to be an outlet and a means for expression. This paper will discuss “ The Mona Lisa” one of Da Vinci’s most famous paintings, as well as another great painting, Antonio Veneziano’s
Art has been a factor of our life as long as humanity has existed. For thousands of years, art has been created, observed, critiqued, and enjoyed by human beings in many regions across the world. Art aren’t just murals, sculptures, music, books or anything that someone may define as art but more of a bigger picture like if has a deeper meaning such a message or a theme that is looked upon. Art can be viewed at as many different ways in terms of people having different reactions or observing it in a different meaning. Someone could feel that the art work is very extraordinary and unique but someone else can have a different reaction and feel like it is no different than other artworks and have a literalist view upon the art. One art that made
In the contemplation of art, or rather the conceptually intangible definition it currently possess, it is imperative to be mindful that “art” has been utilized as a promotional device, ceremonial item, aesthetically purposed article or perhaps none of these or all. It is because of this vague term that Carolyn Dean, in her text, “The Trouble with (The Term) Art”, makes a case for the consequences of applying the term “art” in societies that lacked such a notion which also accounts for the Western-centric lens the field intrinsically utilizes when viewing non-Western art. The claim is deftly supported by the utilization of expert accounts in the subject, alternative perspectives for what is considered the current norm, and self-examining questions,
Art is not always pleasant, but neither is society. Art and society have a reflective relationship with one another. During social, religious, and political controversy, artists such as Frida Kahlo incorporated imagery into their portraits of society which are often disturbing to the viewer. The role of an artist often includes acting as a social critic, to show us aspects of our cultural landscape that are unpleasant. In this manner, the art acts as a commentary on the negative aspects of Western civilisation. During the thirties and forties, Kahlo incorporated the hidden realities of economic and social depression into her works.
It is important to recognize the value that portraiture brings to society, as well as understand the depth of knowledge and skills that goes into creating any piece of artwork. Portraiture requires a lot of skill and knowledge when it comes to technique and materials. Portraits can be created in various ways and inspire numerous different emotions. Due to the emotions that portraits produce, they continue to be a vital part of our lives. Art has always been an essential part of society and as portraiture and other various types art evolve, while they may be different, they will continue to be an integral part of our
Today day, art still is a controversial subject of aesthetics, in discussing whether variety form of modern visual art is art or not. In Laurie Schneider Adams’ article “What is Art?” and Marcel Duchamp’s “The Creative Act”, they have own criteria to definite what the nature of art, its meaning and its function. In evaluation Doris Salcedo’s art work Atrabilious, a set of worn shoes encased in rectangle niches on the wall. I agree with their explanation of art thought the combined in structure and form to express the truth and beauty of Salcedo’s work, the nonfigurative subject catches the symbolic harrowing moment of the effect of war and violence happened, also a metaphor of her culture idea and individual meaning, experience her political view to deal with female issue of the subject matter.
In my last research assignment I explained what the Special Operations executive was and the role and mandate that they served, this time around I plan to explore the impact after the war and even to the present, many of the current intelligence agencies operating today have all in some degree some commonality and structure and have similar ways of approaching threats, In comparison from World War Two to now with the ever emergence of the terrorist threats around the globe, but with every intelligence agency history always had some kind of blunders, mistakes and embarrassment, and the ever increasing demand in wartime for “surgical action”, in addition I will highlight how these tactics serve current agencies and SOF units today and how the SOE really set in stone the trade craft of special tactics.
Imagine Sergeant John Hopkins of the Ontario Provincial Police has just called you in for an interrogation. Knowing that you did not commit a crime, you enter the isolated and boring interrogation room. Now stuck in a room being completely bombarded by questions and accusations, thinking that hopefully someone could see what was happening to you inside this room. They keep you their for six hours, tired both physically and mentally exhausted. All you can think of, to get out of this situation, is to confess to them what they want to hear. Suddenly, you confess to a murder charge. This scenario has happened several times in police interrogation rooms, to many innocent individuals. Thankfully, with the introduction of psychology working with law many changes have occurred to protect people from this type of confession. By comparing multiple psychological journals to a current article about a murder trial. The focus will be on the tactics being used in to combat false confessions in an interrogation.
Today, Art has gone through many changes. Abstract art dominates art today shows ambiguous life a man lives, in contrast to the unambiguous art of the past. Modern does not have spirituality and cultural values and beliefs in the past and is now a reflection of a materialistic life of today. Bill Henson, a portrait artist used his 12 year old Olympia as a nude model for his portrait drawing. This brought much controversy that he was exploiting the body of an under - age girl as his own gains. This shows that art is used for popularity and financial gain. The message behind art is to show ideas and ideas that are relevant to society. Art is meant to enliven life and things, though modern art shows more if life’s negativeness. Galleries, parks and museums view to the public with meaningfulness and with the appreciation for art. Art is still effective as hand written material was seen in the walls of Ancient Egypt. Modern art stimulates the thought and fosters greater
Art is a catalyst of change. It can confront both social and political issues as well as providing people with a creative outlet in which they can express their innermost thoughts and feelings - but what effect can art have on our society as a whole? Artists today have the unique ability to connect with people in a creative, innovative way that they can understand and interpret themselves. With this ability, artists are able to express their own views as well as influencing the views of others. Art is an immense part of our world – so much so that we barely even consider its impact upon us – but just how significant is the work of artists in our modern day society?
Art overall is created and adored by numerous amount of people for many reasons, such as amplifying shared common visual language. The word art often branches into many different movements and components. Modern art or Contemporary art is one those components; this specific genre began mainly in the 1860’s to the 1970’s. During, this time period artists began throwing aside their own beliefs in a spirit of experimentation and the bringing of new ideas. The purpose of Modern art is to beautify one’s surroundings with intrigue, its often very diverse and cannot be easily defined through a list of visual characteristics, artistic themes or cultural concern. Moreover, Modern art is often hard to understand by people because, unlike Egyptian tomb paintings or Greek sculptures, it speaks to the dramatic social, political and technological changes of the last 50-60 years, and questions many of society’s values and assumptions. Also, Modern artists known for incorporating a great deal of abstraction into their works and representational forms to convey their ideas more elaborately; Rene Magritte is one of those artists.
The Community-based Artistic Practices are not a complete novelty in contemporary art, their rhetoric are being used as strategic tools, to support discourse such as democracy, equality, social justice among other, from the 1960s on a explicit way. Even less, this “social turn” , understood as an ethical shift by artist and critics who focus their attention on the aspect of social usefulness of the art practices, characterized by an increase of art projects that emphasize participation, dialogue and community engagement to activate the public sphere attempting to offer new social models to live together; appear like a leitmotif along the theory and history of art of the 20th century.