
Difference Between A Leader And A Boss

Decent Essays

The hardest element while being an entrepreneur is leading a team. Take special notice of what was said there; lead and team. As one goes about life trying to climb the ladder within a workplace, he/she will often lose sight of what is genuinely important: attitude and servitude. One will become so caught up in the success that he/she will become a boss figure; except when this happens, the person is not successful. This alters one’s future and relationships, not only in the workplace but also in the home life, in essence affecting the community as a whole. Leaders and bosses run communities, but there is a definite difference between the two styles. In today’s society, a boss must work to become a great leader.
So the question is, what is the difference between a leader and a boss? The answer is easy; it’s the way they think. If one searched ‘Leader vs. Boss’ on the internet, the person would probably find the quote “Bosses push while leaders pull” by Dave Ramsey. What that means is that a boss will tell a team what to do while a leader will do it with them. This is because he/she will participate in the workload and take the fall for them if something goes wrong. Andy Stanley’s tells in his podcast that someone should always try to never over complicate situations. He says, “One must aspire to be the dumbest person in the room”. This will push the person to surround himself/herself with smarter people; this will help the person grow because one can never be finished.

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