
Dieting In The Early 1900s

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The abrupt development of obesity in today’s society leads several individuals to the ultimate alternative, dieting. The recent popularity of dieting are from the almost immediate result associated with diets, but often individuals forget about the deadly repercussions of ineffective diets, that can lead to death in some cases. Dieting has proven beneficial for many, but ineffective dieting can lead to serious long term health issues without proper counseling. The rapid advancement in the medical field constructs negative speculation from doctors researching the effects of diets, but regardless of results, participants will continue on their journey for weight loss. Would you engage in diets, if you knew your health could decrease?
The history …show more content…

The common belief to chew your food 100 times per minute and the individual would gain little weight. The man behind this belief was William Banting’ protege, Horace Fletcher, which why the name of the diets were called Fletcherism in the early 1900s. Several epiphanies surfaced in the facet of dieting during the early 1900s period, but one of the most popular ones was the notorious, Cigarette Diet, this diet ensured you would lose weight from smoking cigarettes, the more you smoke, the better for the undesired abdominal fat. The Hay Diet in the 1930s thought that protein and carbs shouldn’t be consume in the same meal, William Hay, the creator of this diet, had followers of the diet one of the most famous was Henry Ford. The Beverly Hills diet consisted of a six week regime, where you ate fruit for ten days, then begin to start staggering your weight. The Blood Type diet in 1997, was that if you desired to lose weight, you needed to be a specific blood to eat certain type of …show more content…

In the 2000s the new diet began, The Dukan diet, where individuals embarked on a four week process, then after you finished the diet you will continue to diet for the majority of your life. The newest diet that came out in 2012, the fasting diet, where you have a five to two ratio, and restrict your calorie intake. These upsurgence of new diets in the last decade are due to the increase in obesity, CBS News released an alarming fact, “two-thirds of Americans today are either overweight or obese, and childhood obesity has tripled in the past three decades.”(CBS News). The majority of Americans are overweight, or on the verge of obesity, due to the sudden increase in the obesity rates, corporations discovered new alternatives to dieting like weight loss pills, laxatives, and new chewing gum. The longevity of diets and their alternatives doesn’t seem to be diminishing anytime soon and further understand the human body, and its

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