Personal Statement
I am seeking a dietetic internship at California State University Fresno, to continue my journey in dietetics. At first, obtaining a college education meant more than just assuring a better future but breaking the chain in a long line of poverty and illiteracy. As my mother was a single parent and immigrant to the United States with less than a first grade education, her desire to have a better life for me has always been present. Being a first generation Mexican-American and the first in my family to graduate college, I consider myself privileged to have the opportunities my parents never had. Although, I did not know it at the time, my journey in dietetics started after high school. I was fortunate at such a young age to work in a convalescent home as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA). While caring for the residents, I discovered an innate need to care for others. I gained as much from them as they did from me. As a CNA, I
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I was exposed to a variety of different diets and food modifications and assisting residents that have difficulty swallowing with puréed foods. I further honed my clinical skills and developed new ones throughout my entire college career by volunteering in multiple areas of dietetics. One highlight in my journey was developing and leading food demonstrations and nutrition education for the needy. The Food Pantry is a ministry program of the Wesley Foundation, which offers a bag of groceries once a month to the needy in the local community. My task was to implement food demonstration and pamphlets on how to make use of the foods in the monthly grocery bags. My focus was to teach easy to cook meals utilizing many of the ingredients in a simple manner. It resulted in successful cooking demonstrations, which engaged the public in nutrition
This article was to examine how the US government uses dietary guidelines for Americans and how the guidelines were supposed to help us eat and stay healthy. Diet and chronic diseases are sometimes connected. For example, it is proven that nutrient deficiency disease like scurvy can be cured by consuming the lost nutrients. However, it is also shown that some nutrient exposure can cause chronic illness such as energy, fats, sodium dietary fiber, and food exposures, etc. making it difficult to set dietary guidelines. In addition to some nutrient causing chronic diseases, nondietary factors such as stress, lack of exercise, smoking and other environmental factors are linked to causing chronic illnesses (Slavin, 2012).
I am very interested in pursing a dietetic intern position at South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC). I am confident that this internship will provide me a wide variety of practical hands-on training in all aspects of the dietetic field, which is necessary to successfully reach my career goals as a Registered Dietitian (RD).
The “Cooking Matter” program will be responsible for three interventions to help alleviate child hunger by recruiting college student participants. (See appendix J for group work VII on intervention development). The first intervention was “Read It before You Eat It!” this intervention will demonstrate the correct way to read nutrition and food labels. Each participant will examine the actual food packaging labels of different food items such as whole wheat pasta, regular pasta, bread, cheese, and
As UC San Diego Medical Center is a large tertiary care hospital that offers the highest quality of specialty care in the region, it would be my honor to be involved in this elite organization. In addition, the Dietetic Internship Program provides experiences in different areas such as clinical nutrition, community nutrition, research, service management, etc. Experiences from different extents are valuable as it will prepare me to be a well-rounded registered dietitian. Furthermore, the core valves of the program, which are Quality, Caring, Integrity, Creativity, and Teamwork are similar to my personal valves. I am willing to contribute my time and efforts in order to provide high quality nutrition care to the community. Another reason that
I have known Mrs. Jennifer Dixon Cravens for 5 years, and have found her to be dedicated, well knowledge in the field of health and nutrition, and patience with her students. I have had the opportunity to work with and collaborate on grants, organize and host conferences held at Bowie State University, and attend community classes from Mrs. Dixon Cravens, I have observed her work first hand. She has taught several community nutrition and
Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet. Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I previously
Learning about our diet is very important, and a diet analysis is a good way to find out how our diet is helping or affecting our organism. For instant, when we analyze our diet we find out if the nutrients in our diet met the target amount our body needs to function adequately.
In 2014, I proposed a cooking class in partnership with Penn Charter and the St. James School, a nearby middle school that educates underprivileged students in a rigorous, nurturing environment. I designed the program to address food access and nutrition. After fundraising and friendraising, it was successfully
In life, many people participate in various daily events and activities that help them enjoy being who they are. People may enjoy getting together with friends, going to the mall, going to an amusement park or simply finding relaxation in nature. However, a big part of everyone’s life is of course eating and many people find pleasure in doing so. Eating is a very enjoyable and delectable must for everyone but should be done so, like everything in life, in a smart and intelligent way. Being smart and perceptive when eating is a large part of nutrition.
This is my first year at Brigham Young University and I declared my major as Pre- Dietetics. Interested in Dietetics as I am, however, I still want to challenge myself with Nursing. The major is intensive itself and highly competitive. If I am qualified for the rigorous Nursing program, I would graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree after four years of college. If not, I would pursue a bachelor degree in Dietetics and after that I would go for a master degree in the field. I would like to work for a nursing home or a hospital if there is an opportunity, since I like helping people in need, especially those on poor health condition.
As a health educator, my responsibilities included implementing research-based prevention and youth development programs. While studying at New Jersey City University, I was afforded many opportunities to display my knowledge as a health educator. NJCU’s annual Cooking Matter program allowed me to provide education, strategies, and implement plans on how to decrease hunger for youth in Jersey City. My supervisor relied on my ability to plan, organize and assess the program. I found that my organizational skills along with my ability to multi task in fast pace settings allowed me to assist in the Cooking Matter program’s success.
When I first began college I was unsure of what career I wanted to pursue, but I knew whatever I chose would lead me to a challenging and rewarding career. My first semester at California State University, Fresno (CSU, Fresno) I enrolled as a biology major because of my interest in science, but I also happened to be taking a nutrition class as a part of my general education. As the semester progressed my interest in nutrition grew, while the feelings of uncertainty I had about my future career began to dissolve. I was drawn to the field of dietetics once I began learning about the effect that food has on the human body, and realized I could educate others on how to combat diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Also, I wanted to update you on my school. I was accepted into a dietetic internship for next year, unfortunately it’s through Green Bay and not Milwaukee. I will have about 9 weeks where I can commute from Milwaukee (those rotation sites are in Oconomowoc, Port Washington, and Cedarburg), but I don’t know when they will occur. If I have the availability to attend class during St. Patrick’s practices, I would like to and perform if that’s possible. My program director has been very accommodating so far, trying to place me in more southern rotation sites and I already asked her about the St. Pats season. I just won’t know my schedule until closer to the fall. Let me know if me attending classes, even for a bit, might work or if you have any
The topic for my essay is about the Nutrition and Dietetics field. My thesis states that a career in dietetics will lead to a life of meaning and fulfillment. Subtopics for my essay are the role of nutrition in illness prevention, the importance of nutrition education, and ethical issues in regards to government subsidizing. My goal is to connect all of these subtopics so that I can explain why I feel my career will lead to a life of dignity and meaning. Possible titles I will use for my paper are "Dietitians Hungry for Change" or "Dietetics: A Lifetime of Dignity and Meaning". I like title #2 better because this title clearly addresses the subtopics I will be discussing within my paper which are dignity and meaning. The word "lifetime" will
When I started my college journey I wasn’t sure how, but I knew I wanted to help people. After completing a nutrition course and I was amazed by the impact that nutrition has on the human body. It was then when I decided to pursue a career in Dietetics, I wanted mycareer to be applicable to my personal life. because I wanted to study something that would be applicable to my daily life. My family has struggled with Hypertension and Diabetes for a number of years, which also motivates me to learn about disease prevention through nutrition. I am passionate about nutrition and helping others achieve a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing through a healthy well balanced diet. I enjoy being exposed to new things that can expand my knowledge (move to a