
Did Horemheb Kill Akhenaten?

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Did Horemheb kill many people ?
What if Horemheb not only formed a alliance with Aye ,but also manipulated Aye to kill Tut for him so he could take the throne. After Aye killed Tut for Horemheb, the Queen Ankhesenamun sent a letter to the hittite. The letter was asking for the hittite king to send one of his sons to My theory is that Horemheb planned everything. From the murder of Akhenaten to the death of Aye.

Did Horemheb kill Akhenaten ?
Horemheb may have killed Akhenaten. If Horemheb killed killed Akhenaten the he could manipulate a 10 year old boy to do anything he wanted. And really all scientist know about Akhenaten death is that he died when Tut was 10 years old. It never says he dies in an accident or if he died in war. All we know

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