
Diction Of The Road Not Taken

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Robert’s “The Road Not Taken” is based on the aspect of choice since it indicates on the way one decision can change the entire life of an individual. The speaker of the poem chose one path over another, and that, he says, “has made all the difference.” The fact that the speaker always says “I,” implies that he is Robert Frost himself. However, the poet always said that the poem was based on a friend of his named Edward Thomas who thought a lot on the way our decisions impact our lives. Thus, the speaker is a teenager or middle-aged man whereas the addressee is any audience member or individuals who may find themselves in a similar circumstance. A contemplative tone is used when making a decision on the qualities of every path, while a regretful tone is applied since the speaker recognizes that he will certainly not get the chance to discern where the other path would have taken him. Ultimately, the poet used an optimistic tone that is depicted when the speaker acknowledges that following …show more content…

The first stanza presents the decision; the second displays the choice made, while the third stanza indicates the compunction that the other path will at no time be taken. The syntax and diction in the poem mostly consist of the colloquial words that are applied to the contemporary world. “Two roads diverged in a yellow mood” (l. 1) The important words encompass ‘diverged’ and ‘difference’ since they are the words that depict the two choices. The element of diction is simple, picturesque, concrete, and easily comprehended. The last stanza presents the speaker’s contentment in following the less used path. The universal images allow the reader to attain a better grasp of the universal theme that is being put across. Similarly, the “sigh” echoes in the ears of the reader so that they may better bond with the narrator over human familiarity and comprehend his contentment in his

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