Robert’s “The Road Not Taken” is based on the aspect of choice since it indicates on the way one decision can change the entire life of an individual. The speaker of the poem chose one path over another, and that, he says, “has made all the difference.” The fact that the speaker always says “I,” implies that he is Robert Frost himself. However, the poet always said that the poem was based on a friend of his named Edward Thomas who thought a lot on the way our decisions impact our lives. Thus, the speaker is a teenager or middle-aged man whereas the addressee is any audience member or individuals who may find themselves in a similar circumstance. A contemplative tone is used when making a decision on the qualities of every path, while a regretful tone is applied since the speaker recognizes that he will certainly not get the chance to discern where the other path would have taken him. Ultimately, the poet used an optimistic tone that is depicted when the speaker acknowledges that following …show more content…
The first stanza presents the decision; the second displays the choice made, while the third stanza indicates the compunction that the other path will at no time be taken. The syntax and diction in the poem mostly consist of the colloquial words that are applied to the contemporary world. “Two roads diverged in a yellow mood” (l. 1) The important words encompass ‘diverged’ and ‘difference’ since they are the words that depict the two choices. The element of diction is simple, picturesque, concrete, and easily comprehended. The last stanza presents the speaker’s contentment in following the less used path. The universal images allow the reader to attain a better grasp of the universal theme that is being put across. Similarly, the “sigh” echoes in the ears of the reader so that they may better bond with the narrator over human familiarity and comprehend his contentment in his
Just as Conrad conveys the creation of one’s own path subconsciously in Marlow, the poem “Road not taken” by Robert Frost explores this idea, represented my literal paths and an alternate, unspoken third path. The metaphor of the physical journey shows the moral growth in the protagonist. The poem is written in first person, giving it a very personal and reflective tone, expressing a pivotal moment in the persona’s life. The use of andante, the flowing rhythm establishes a conversational tone. The rhyme scheme is simple and effective throughout the poem, however, it changes in the final stanza. By implementing a new scheme here, the final thought of reflection is emphasized. The "less traveled" road is symbolic of the gamble of choosing a more individual path in life, the protagonist’s own road. This can be compared to the quote by Antonio Machado, “Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking.” This quote exemplifies the fact that walking the path is more important than
Robert Frost went from an unstable farmer aspiring to be a poet to a celebrated American poet and four-time Pulitzer Prize winner. In his poem “The Road Not Taken”, he writes about the hard choices that people have to make in their lives. Robert uses extended metaphors and symbolism to show the uncertainty and psychological chaos people feel while making hard choices.
Sometimes in our lives we are faced to make momentous decisions. We either made a propitious selection or repent about our decisions and how our lives could have ended up if we had chosen a different path. "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is a poem about how one traveler will choose a road that will change his whole life. The decisions we make in life should be chosen carefully because there is no going back. In his poem, he makes you think about how choices can define your life for the better or the worst, it’s all about how you look on life. He uses a lot of imagery as well as tone.
In Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”, Frost shows the everyday human struggle to make a choice that could change the course of one’s life. In his poem, a person has the choice to take one road or the other. One road is worn out from many people taking it, and the other is barely touched, for fewer have taken that road. Throughout the poem, the speaker learns that just because so many other people have done one thing, or walked one way, does not mean everyone has to. Sometimes you just have to go your own way.
A first look at The Road Not Taken shows the narrator’s cheery story of going against the flow of society and deciding to take the path that the narrator wants. Despite the pessimistic outlook on life, Frost’s poems emit life’s reality. Robert Frost’s outlook on life is truthful and not a fantasy.
There are many challenges that one faces in life. Trying to determine which path to take is not always an easy decision to make. In “The Road Not Taken,’’ Robert Frost uses conflict, imagery, and metaphors to illustrate the importance of making decisions and choosing one’s own path, even if it is not always the most popular choice. Sometimes, taking risks can be rewarding and scary at the same time.
Throughout the poem of “A Road Not Taken,” the poet makes a clear point that within everyone’s life, they will be forced to make decisions. You won’t always know the different types of effects that may come with the decisions you make and sometimes you may need to let nature take its course. In order to demonstrate this, the poet has created a pathway in his poem which eventually splits apart to form two paths instead of one. He forms a conflict within himself over which pathway would be the best to take. In his writing, the poet establishes a regretful and sorrowful tone.
In the Robert Frost poem ‘’The Road Not Taken’’ there is a pervasive and in many ways intrinsic sense of journey throughout. In such, the poem explores an aspect associated with human decision, or indecision, relative to the oxymoron, that choices with the least the difference should bear the most indifference, but realistically, carry the most difficulty. This is conveyed through the use of several pivotal techniques. Where the first such instance is the use of an extended metaphor, where the poem as a whole becomes a literary embodiment of something more, the journey of life. The second technique used is the writing style of first person. Where in using this, the reader can depict a clear train of thought from the walker and understand
Life is made of decisions. In The road not taken, Robert Frost emphasizes the importance of different decisions and how those choices impact peoples’ life. The text examines the struggle people run into when comes a time of their lives that they need to make an important choice, regarding their future. The author define the idea of individualism as a self-evaluation that we practice when we make choices that construct our lives. Accordingly, the main message of the poem is the importance of our lives choices.
Thesis: In the poem “A Road Not Taken”, Robert Frost shares how sometimes in life one has to make decisions rather they’re good or bad. However there are consequences following one’s decisions and choices. One can use their second chance by looking forward and choosing to take the right paths in life.
Robert Frost's poem “The Road Not Taken” describes a traveler faced with a choice of which one of two roads to travel. He knows not where either road might lead. In order to continue on his journey, he can pick only one road. He scrutinizes both roads for the possibilities of where they may take him in his travels. Frost's traveler realizes that regret is inevitable. Regardless of his choice, he knows that he will miss the experiences he might have encountered on the road not taken.
The analysis of “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost has been up for debate since the poem release in 1916. It is known to be one of the most frequently misinterpreted poems of all time, and even Robert Frost himself has said the poem is “tricky” to comprehend (The). When analyzing this poem many readers tend to focus only on the last lines of the poem and get caught in a trap of selective-interpretation. Quite a few people after reading Robert Frost’s poem firmly conclude that this poem is about non-conformity and individualism, however, that is not the case. Robert Frost’s poem is meant to be analyzed line by line for a complete interpretation. Readers can conclude that the poem represents making choices in life, but that is not the
“The Road Not Taken” is a poem that involves a common dilemma faced in every single life. Robert Frost wrote the poem trying to explain to his friend Edward Thomas that he took the best decision in his life taking the road least travel. His friend misunderstood Frost intentions and after read the poem, he took the other road in his life and it made all the difference. Instead of travel to America and be a great professor, Thomas felt the sensation of be an unsuccessful writer and a non-patriotic citizen which help him to take the decision of enlist during the war. After taking the other road in his life, he finishes with his life during the war. The poem creates a connection with the reader because the situation presented emphasizes the life of any person. Every person is forced to decide a path and the decision made it, will always make a difference. The result of a person's character or life is related in the decisions made it during his or her life. In “The Road Not Taken”, Robert Frost uses different types of conflicts, character versus self, character versus nature, character versus society, to show how the path taken in life makes all the difference.
And that has made all the difference” (lines 17-19). The narrator seems happy with his choice at the end of the poem, but it could also be interpreted as discontent. The narrator eventually decides to take a path because it really doesn’t matter, whichever path he chooses; “Though as far as the passing there/ Had worn them really about the same” (8-9) he has no idea where he will end up. With that in mind, the reader realizes that the sigh is most likely one of discontent. Since the poem is about choices we make in life, and the sigh creates a negative tone, it is clear “The Road Not Taken” reflects the difficult choices we must make and ultimately, how our choices affect us in the end.
In Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken,” we are never told specifically who the speaker is. When reading this poem, most people automatically assume that it is being told from a guy's perspective, but we have no indication of that being true. The only information that we are given is that he or she is in the woods, and has to make a decision on which path to take. He or she has come to a crossroads, and the path’s are splitting. Not knowing what stage of life he or she is in, there is a possibility that once the decision is made, there will be no time to turn back. In stanza four, the speaker tells us how he will be talking about his decision in the future, saying it made a big difference in his life. With that being said, it must be a major decision whereas, a simple everyday decision. We can assume that the speaker is a nature lover and is very spontaneous. Not very many people just wander out in the