
Diary Of Anne Frank Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

Have you ever been shot at? Have you ever been in a war? Every single character in “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Freedom Writers” could’ve been able to say yes to that question before they even entered high school. Anne, the girl who wrote in the diary, tried to survive the Holocaust. The kids from “Freedom Writers”, were literally fighting for their lives in the middle of a gang war. Being forced to grow up so fast like these kids had to cause different problems for each of them. However, “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Freedom Writers” teach readers that to thrive in life you have to find a balance between humility and pride. Both in “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Freedom Writers”, the kids were put into situations that forced them to grow up fast. Some of the kids in Ms. G’s class were trying to provide for their families, and Anne was forced to be way more self dependent than any young girl should be. Both Anne and the kids of room 203 struggled with Pride. For the kids in “Freedom Writers”, they had too much pride to admit they were struggling and couldn't take it. For Anne, she had too much pride to show her real emotions and thought she didn’t need to confide in anyone. Thankfully for them, each of the kids in these stories had someone to teach them how to be humble. Ms. G and Peter both provide a spot for the characters to be themselves and not have to act tough or be strong. …show more content…

She only had Peter, where the class had Ms. G and everyone else in the class. However, most of the kids in “Freedom Writers” were too prideful to ask for help from their classmates. Another big difference is that Anne knew she had to change, she had been struggling with her identity for awhile. On the other hand the kids in “Freedom Writers” were struggling but didn’t know what to do, it took Ms. G to come in and show them what it is like to be proud of who you are but know that you always have room to

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