
Diary Of Anne Frank Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The holocaust is a sad event that happened in history. There were Jews who lost their lives because their religion was seen as a dangerous race to society. Many Jews lost their lives do to that judgement. This talks and goes on in the book The Diary Of Anne Frank. In the book the girl Anne Frank is very calm and collected in this time she said “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart. I believe that the quote is true. I say this because in the book they all had their days were they were all upset or sad, but other than that they all had a little happiness in them. In this play of Anne’s diary I have noticed very many acts of kindness that makes Anne’s quote “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart” seem true. Anne did a lot of kind things throughout this play but I say that when Anne got everyone presents for hanukkah stuck out the most to me. She got everyone presents despite the hatefulness she may receive from some of the people. “It isn’t new. It’s one that you’ve done, but I rubbed it all out, and if you wait a while and forget you can do it all over again” This goes to show that people are good at heart because they can forgive and forget about the bad that has happened. Anne took her time at night to make everyone their presents. She …show more content…

In the book Mr.Dussel stole food and kept it to himself. “There would have been plenty for all of us if you hadn’t come in here” In the book it said that the kids were getting thinner and that’s why the adults wanted to save the food for the children. Most of the food at the time was meant for the kids anyways. There weren’t getting much food at the time because it was getting to dangerous at the time for Meip to go and get them food. Overall in this book I noticed more kindness than hatefulness so therefore I do believe that Anne’s quote is

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