
Diana Ravitch's 'Why I Changed My Mind'

Decent Essays

In Diana Ravitch’s ‘(2010) article Why I Changed My Mind, she discussed how adapting accountability and choice into the American educational system has failed tremendously. In addition, Ravitch explained how federally ordained policies are continuously contributing to the system’s decline as well. She believes the legislators are so focused on testing and teacher evaluation that they are ignoring the root of educational challenges in the United States. With such strong emphasis on testing and test results, educators have changed their teaching strategies in an attempt to satisfy a broken structure. There is strong attention towards preparing students to pass standardized tests while simultaneously denying teachers the time to focus on content and instilling core academic concepts. …show more content…

Diana’s solution warrants legislators to focus on the prominent issues and solutions. She concluded that success is inevitable without “a long-term plan that strengthens public education and rebuilds the education profession.” Ravitch believes that having well-informed, competent, and experienced educators—plus decision makers—can be a suitable remedy. She goes on to summarize that all students should have “the benefit of a coherent curriculum” and as educators, we ought to deal with the problems affecting students in their homes since “their ability to attend school and to learn is directly influenced by their health and the well-being of their families” (p. 24). Diana mentioned some key resolutions for promoting a successful school reform, and though there are many contributing factors that initiated a failing educational system, disparities in resource allocation and teacher motivation are two of the strongest influences I

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