
Diana Marcela De Castro Gomez

Decent Essays

Today was a long day, me and my family did so many things. We woke up really early in the mourning and went to an art gallery downtown, we saw such beautiful master pieces, then we went shopping some food after going to the place of a man who knows about keys and locksmith, and I am completely exausted becouse we went fishing by the mid day on Navy base, the water was real cold, however, I'm here to talk about a story from the real life, I'm going to talk about me, so, this is my story. Before I can ever start talking about anything else, I'll need to introduce myself to you; My full name is Diana Marcela De Castro Gomez, I was born 20 years and 4 months ago in Barranquilla, Colombia. September the 29th of 1995, friday morning. It was such a beautiful day, well, that's what my mom says. I've always been into fine Arts and Music, When I was 4 years old old my mom gave me my first Piano, I really enjoed it, …show more content…

The next day he also texted me and I was not surprised anymore because we were so used to each other years after that I felt it was part of my

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