
Dialectical Journal For Romeo And Juliet

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Journal: I was always the innocent one. These two girls always wanted me to be on one of their side and against the other. There friendship was on and off. One girl would pull me away from the other. It was like their friendship was a competition. They were each other's rivals. Yet they are still friends up to this day. Literary focus: Capulets : Prince: Montagues: Juliet (r) Prince(f) Romeo(r) Tybalt(r) = FOILS = Benvolio(r) Nurse(r) Montague (f) Lady capulet(f) …show more content…

Everyone does feel sad at one point when they are in love. The girl that he loves or likes does not having the same emotions or feelings toward him. So this does happen now to teen too. A girl doesn't like a bot or a boy doesn't like a girl. Yes, it is sad too. P.681- Lord Capulet seems caring but at the same times seems selfish to me. She is looking out for her daughter by looking for the right man for her, but she should let her daughter find her true love. Every mother wants the best for daughter but this isn't the way she should help her daughter. P. 686- The nurse’s personality is cheerful. Nurse has been through alot with the death of her daughter and husband. She seems to lot a lot more of Juliet and acts like a mom to her too. P.688-Mercutio is the type of person who knows a lot about love. He does have good advice for Romeo. Mercutio can be Romeo’s foil because Romeo has just have a different perspective than Mercutio about love. P.693- What Romeo and Juliet reveal about each other is that they are willing to fall for eachother. They both had their compassionate side. Juliet wasn't going to make the first move and she made that clear. She was very direct. Romeo saw what he wanted and went after

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