
Diabetes System Model Essay

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Improvement in patient outcomes in relation to diabetes prevention through education is something that is becoming more common in health care, since prevention over treatment has shown better outcomes. According to Dunkley, et al (2014), diabetes prevention has been about promoting weight loss and increasing physical activity through lifestyle changes, but the many different programs available for education on how to prevent this disease that promote these factors have been successful but transferring these findings into a clinical practice has proven to be difficult. In the 22 studies reviewed by Dunkley, et al (2014), that were reviewed found that while lifestyle interventions that involved weight loss and increased physical activity do …show more content…

According to American Diabetes Association (2013), diabetes and diabetes management has caused a burden to be placed on the United States economic status do with indirect and direct cost associated with Diabetes. Consequently, it is essential that health care providers stay up to date on new research and polices regarding this disease so that they can more effectively educate their patients on ways to manage and prevent/delay the disease. This paper will discuses systems models with organization, improvement goals stakeholders expectations, quality oversights, sources for comparative performance data, and improvement tools that can be used to help reach the obtainable goal of translating research and evidence base practice for prevention of diabetes into clinical practice.
Application of a System Model
Determining what type of system model would be best guide the process of quality …show more content…

In regards to context and diabetes prevention education, we have to think of what individual are already knowledgeable about in terms of healthy lifestyle, and also what the individual’s knowledge of diabetes is. Thought also has to be given to what is already known about education for diabetes prevention and what has been tired and has either failed or succeeded in the past. The context is linked to the organizational results by being what measures the pre-existing notions associated with diabetes prevention

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