
Devil Playground Analysis

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Throughout the movie, Devil’s Playground, we are introduced to some of the lifestyles and guidelines that are instilled in the Amish community. Amish is a religion based off of the Christian church, however, the Amish believe that at a certain age you are allowed to experiences non-Amish traditions and then must make the choice to be baptized and choose the Amish lifestyle. Within this community there is a period of time each Amish sixteen year old has the opportunity to experience the outside world, known as Rumspringa or “running around”. This period of time is where a fair amount of misbehavior, drugs, partying, dressing in English clothes, driving cards, etc. takes place. However, this behavior is neither overlooked nor encouraged and is allowed to help the person choose their lifestyle.
Throughout this film we are introduced to five main characters, Faron, Gerald, Velda, Joann, and Emma. Each Character has their own experiences with the Amish lifestyle yet they all share many common factors. Gerald was one of the male characters who was living in his own trailer outside of the Amish population. He wore English clothing and drove a care. Often he was where others Amish populated due to his amount of privacy from the Amish community. During the time in which the movie was made Gerald did not see himself going back to Amish community, he found himself enjoying the privacy and partying lifestyle. Joann, a female character through the film embraced her running around

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