
Deviant Identity Paper

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Aiman Boujada Reflection Paper 3 All around us we see people who society perceives as being“different” from everybody else. Examples of these type of people are pedophiles, murderers and burglars. What all these people have in common is they have a deviant identity. These groups of people have been caught in a deviant act, and through a process have been labeled with a deviant identity (alder 2015.) But how does a deviant identity come to existence? To understand deviant identity development, we must look at the concepts of seven stages of deviant identity development , excuses, techniques of neutralization, stigma management, deviant career. Examples that will help explain these concepts are the class readings and the case of Jerry Sandusky. According to Adler (2006) there are seven stages of deviant identity career. The first is getting caught doing a deviant act, and being identified (p.254). The second is retrospective interpretation (p.254) . The third is spoiled identity (p.254) The fourth is dynamics of exclusion, and the fifth is inclusion (p.254-255).The sixth and seventh stages are being treated differently and internalization of the deviant label (p.255). All of …show more content…

We can see how Jerry Sandusky goes from being a football coach who is loved by the community, and millions of fans a like, to a highly known deviant who even if he was able to leave prison his life will never be the same again. He will always be treated as an outcast just like the “different” members of society. The academic information on deviant identity development gives us the process by which a deviant identity is given to an individual. After interviewing the science about exiting deviant identities, Jerry Sandusky will never be able to enter back into conventional

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