
Deviant Behavior In Movies

Decent Essays

Deviant behavior is expressed in many ways throughout the world. Deviant behavior is a person who breaks significant societal or group norms. Hollywood uses deviant behavior to create many types of entertainment. Hollywood has created so many movies to promote deviant behavior. There are many reasons why Hollywood uses deviant behavior. People in Hollywood use deviant behavior for entertainment by producing and filming movies that people will actually enjoy. They don’t make scary movies just to scare the bejeezus out of you, they produce it because people take time out of their life to watch a scary movie and enjoy the goosebumps you get from mysterious things happening. When tv shows are being aired on tv or movies in a theatre are being played commercials pay to have their very own commercials during the tv or movie because they want the movies to become popular and have more people interested in taking time to watch it. Most of the movies or tv shows are targeting elderly people, kids, teens, and even adults.
There are many ways of how Hollywood creates deviant behavior for entertainment. There are so many movies that are humorous that are made all around the world. How they create movies is they …show more content…

An example of control theory is when Jillian shows up one day at the front door of Sunny’s apartment without a father. Jillian grew up most of his life without a father and role model. Sunny and Jillian grew a special strong bond in the six weeks that Sunny pretended to be his father when his real dad was on a plane ride to head to a different country for his business. The bond grew so strong and Sunny taught him so much that when it came time to the court hearing and the custody was granted to his real dad that Jillian didn’t want Sunny to go away. When two people grow a special bond together it is tough to let them just walk away because they shared special moments and laughs

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