
Deviant Behavior And Deviant Behaviour Essay

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Theories of deviant behavior Deviant behavior is described as acts or individual characters that are contrary to social norms. These behaviors are usually against set rule or authority laws. Individuals expressing deviant behavior violate norms and rules other members of the society and are accustomed to or abide by. Deviant behavior is found to undergone change over time in the history of human civilization. Ability to predict another person’s behavior makes social life comfortable and bearable. However, it is usually hard to predict people behavior since different individuals express their character traits differently since they are influenced by verse sociological and social-psychological factors. Deviant characters are usually a source of irritation, suspicion, negative emotions, and even fear in a society. Sociologists have come up with theories to explain the deviant behavior. This section will compare and contract three theories that attempt to explain deviant behavior in humans (McCaghy et al. 2008). Social integration as a theory focuses on how individuals are affected by groups in which they are involved in.Durkheim a French sociologist wrote on social integration in 1895 indicating that deviance was an importance of society and it formed the basis for society organization and functions. The argument in this theory was based on two related processes. The first was the social integration which illustrates the extent to which members of a society were

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