
Developmentally Appropriate Practices

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1. I selected this research study to analyze by first going to the University of North Florida’s website at Then I logged onto my student account. After that, I clicked the Student tab at the top of the page. Next, I scrolled to the bottom of the page, where I then clicked on Library Database A-Z. From there I clicked on the Research Tools link located on the top of the page. Once the next screen popped up, I looked under articles and more, then clicked research databases. Then I scrolled down and clicked on the Jstor database. Then I entered into the top search bar, developmentally appropriate practices, and research into the second search bar. That is where I found the article, “Multidimensional Self-Concepts of Children and Teacher Beliefs about Developmentally Appropriate Practices” by, Kenneth E. Smith and Laura Croom. This article …show more content…

E., & Croom, L. (2000). Multidimensional self-concepts of children and teacher beliefs about developmentally appropriate practices. The Journal of Educational Research, 93, (5), 312-321. Retrieved from

3. According to Smith and Croom (2000), the purpose of this study was to extend the research linking teacher beliefs about developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) and research on the growing body regarding children’s self –concepts.
4. Participants in this study included a group of 51 children (28 girls and 23 boys) from 14 different classrooms in Nebraska. Teachers were also participants in this study, which included 14 second-grade teachers all of which were females. The degrees of education varied among the teachers.
5. According to Smith and Croom (2000), there were two paper- and- pencil instruments in this study. “The Self – Description Questionnaire (SDQ-I) assessed children’s multidimensional self-concepts and the Primary Teacher Questionnaire (PTQ) assessed teachers’ endorsement of developmentally appropriate practices” (Smith & Croom, 2000,

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