
Development of an ERP System

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3 SR-rm-003 Development of an ERP System BSA/400 SR-rm-003 Development of an ERP System Riordan Manufacturing Inc. is a global plastics manufacturer that was founded in 1991 and employs 550 people. They have since expanded to three locations in the U.S. and one in China. Due to these expansions the company is now experiencing communication and processing issues. Each system needs to be connected to the others in order to improve the tracking and productivity as well as communication between systems. We have been asked to develop a plan to implement a system to connect all of the people and locations into one enterprise system that will give the company access to information from any location at any time. This document covers our …show more content…

Changes made need to be made during the support phase if additional functionality is needed. Adding more locations or applications to the system may also require altering the measurement standards of success. Summary of Project Feasibility To determine the feasibility of this project a number of factors must be considered, the first being the economic feasibility. Economic feasibility takes into consideration the overall cost of implementation and maintenance of the ERP system. It asks the questions of rather there be any cost savings through implementation of an ERP? Can be ERP increase the revenue for Riordan? And over time, will investment into the ERP decrease (O’Brien & Marakas, 2009)? In general, it must justify that the overall cost of the ERP give an adequate return of investment (ROI) back to Riordan (Motiwalla & Thompson, 2009). Next operational feasibility is looking at rather Riordan’s infrastructure can currently handle the demands of an ERP system. Then if not, changes are going to have to be made to those systems some that the implemented ERP can operate successfully. Also, it looks at the proposed ERP and rather it fits the business model of Riordan (O’Brien & Marakas, 2009). Finally, technical feasibility has to be looked at, to determine if current technology can solve the problems address by Riordan (Motiwalla & Thompson, 2009). Proposed Systems Requirements List Some of the

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