
Determining As An Example Of Poor Health And Well-Being

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2.2 Example of poor health and well-being. An instance of poor health is where an individual is declared by the physician to have several disorders and probably not curable. An example of poor well-being is where a particular person lives in slums and has no job. √
3.0 Relationship Between Health Risks and Inactivity There are various health risks related to inactivity. Inactive individuals experience serious health risks, hence the importance of adopting healthy living practices. Current research carried by Platt et al. (2014, p. 172), reveals that around forty-five percent of American adults do not exercise daily. The research further demonstrates that inactive individuals are more exposed to diseases, such as strokes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, as well as to more accidents and injuries than physically active individuals. Thus, information on physical activity indicates that there is a significant merit of people being physically active and adopting a healthier lifestyle. However, these facts of living do not only apply to adults but also to children who are inactive (Steptoe, Deaton, and Stone, 2015, p.644). Therefore, inactive children are more exposed to risks of higher levels of stress, higher anxiety, and more …show more content…

One of the numerous studies that proved obesity is as a result of inactivity is the one done by a team of scholars from Stanford University of Medicine (Roos et al. 2017, p 120). The scientists examined results of national health survey during a 22-year period and realized that Americans do little to no exercise. The investigation accounted for the lifestyles of over 17,000 participants since 1988 to 1994, and around 5,000 respondents each year beginning from 1995 to 2010. The participants recorded frequency, intensity, and duration of physical exercise from the past month.

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