
Desist Approach Classroom Management

Decent Essays

In the classroom, to incorporate the ideas and key elements of different behavioral theories would require a practical application of the strategies and beliefs that underpin a successful behavior management class. My behavior management plan takes into account the unpredictability of a classroom setting, and can be adjusted accordingly. Assertive discipline falls under the so-called desist approach to classroom management, which gives the teacher full responsibility for regulating the classroom (Moore, 2009). Dreikurs democratic classroom management approach is more aligned with the instructional approaches to classroom management. These approaches are defined by their well-planned and well-implemented instruction that aid in preventing …show more content…

For example, student behavior deemed undesirable can be followed by a private reprimand or isolation from the classroom. During the application of these punishments, the students’ dignity must be maintained and cannot be sullied. In comparison, Punishment II involves the removal of a desired stimulus or the withholding of an anticipated positive stimulus (Moore, 2009). For example, inappropriate student behavior can result in the loss of free time, lunch time, or computer usage for a week. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) was first defined as the ‘. . .process of applying sometimes tentative principles of behavior to the improvement of specific behaviors and simultaneously evaluating whether or not any changes noted are indeed attributable to the process of application’ (Schloss & Smith, 1994, p.2). ABA differs from behavior modification as the behaviors targeted for change are socially …show more content…

For example, teachers can influence the physical setting in which learning takes place in their classroom to create a safe and positive learning environment. By simply modifying the seating arrangement a teacher can minimize disruptive behavior. Placing low-performing students near the front of the room can increase the positive interactions with the teacher. Furthermore, by providing instructional support when necessary, this seating plan allows for the monitoring of the student’s academic progress. Throughout the school year, the seating arrangement should be shuffled when there are persistent behavior problems. Another key strategy involves altering the physical arrangement of the classroom. By arranging the classroom to accommodate to students with persistent behavior problems, a teacher can increase the frequency of reinforcement to provide the required support to less skillful students. A democratic technique to consider is the creation of student class councils. These councils can be extremely useful in teaching student effective leadership skills and cooperation. The leader of the council is democratically elected by students and creates weekly agendas to discuss any issues or concerns that the class can

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