
Deshaney Vs. Winnebago Case Analysis

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The impacts of DeShaney v. Winnebago are used in cases of psychiatric patients and many other child abuse cases. In the context of psychiatric patients, two Supreme Court cases lead the legal precedent on how psychiatric cases are followed through: The case of Youngberg v. Romeo, which held that the government takes on affirmative duties in involuntarily confining a mental health patient, and also the case of DeShaney v. Winnebago, which lessened the range of affirmative duties given to the government (Hagan 735). Although DeShaney v. Winnebago protected social workers, it also created a more difficult space for child abuse cases to actually be carried out. For example, Jessica Gonzales tried to steer around the DeShaney v. Winnebago case when her husband murdered their three kids despite Jessica’s multiple reports of his …show more content…

“The Supreme Court and a Life Barely Lived.” The New York Times, Jan. 2016. Accessed 18 Sep. 2017. Hagan, Claire. “Sheltering Psychiatric Patients from the DeShaney Storm: A Proposed Analysis for Determining Affirmative Duties to Voluntary Patients.” Washington and Lee Law Review, Jan. 2013, vol. 70, issue 1. EBSCOHost, Reidinger, Paul. “Why Did No One Protect This Child?” ABA Journal, Dec. 88, vol. 74, issue 12, p. 48, 4p. EBSCOHost, Rudolph, Alexander. “The Legal Liability of Social Workers After DeShaney.” Social Work, Jan. 93, vol. 38, issue 1, pp. 64-68, 5p. EBSCOHost, Winchenbach, Linda. “Snake Pits and Slippery Slopes: DeShaney Revisited.” ABA Journal, Sep. 89, vol. 75, issue 9, p. 62, 4p. EBSCOHost,

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