
Descriptive Zoo

Decent Essays

San Antonio Zoo
Wow! That’s so cool. How many are there? The date is July 14 and we started our day about 8:30 am. We had plans to go to zoo at 11. My whole family was going.
First we went to go eat breakfast. Then we went back to the hotel to get ready. Now we're ready to head off to the San Antonio Zoo. At first it wasn't that cool. There were basic zoo animals then there were some cool ones like Caribbean Flamingos, bears and their snake collection was amazing. The first animals my sister and I wanted to see was the monkeys. The monkeys would swing from the trees and the vines. They were amazing. The monkeys are just like hairy humans. They would watch us as we watched them. The baby monkeys were so cute trying to keep up with the rest of the monkeys. The gorillas were so big. They just sat around acting like they didn't even notice anybody was looking at them. The chimpanzees are really smart. They knew when the zookeepers were about to come feed them and would just sit and stare at the entrance waiting. Next, we went to the African Life exhibit. They had African wild dogs and dwarf mongoose. The dwarf mongooses are so cute. They had little ears and small paws with little nails. We stayed there forever it felt like. My sister wanted to take one home but they wouldn't let her. Next was the lions they were so amazing. We watched the guy feed them and it was so cool how they would throw the meat and the lions would catch it. I loved watching the lions eat

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