
Descriptive Writing Cell

Decent Essays

All is silent now. Not a whisper, not a single sound nor movement is heard from inside the walls. Another night survived. I wake to the sound of bars being smacked with a wooden stick and boots pounding on the ground like the sound of an army of soldiers marching even though it was only one man, I am all too familiar with these sounds now. Today is a special day;, today marks two years of a four year stint of a four stint that I have been incarcerated. for now and I only have two years to go. I am used to most things in this place now but there are some things that will never truly sink in. My cell itself has it's own story to tell the walls have been cracked and crumbled by prisoners before me who have had breakdowns. There are still the odd stains of dried blood that linger on the walls and floor of the cell, it makes you wonder what else has gone on In in this cell. Have people tried to escape …show more content…

The toilet is a steel bowl in the corner that sometimes doesn't flush and barely gets cleaned, all the features in this cell are all crammed together in such a tiny box you almost have no room to breathe. Each day the cells are constantly checked for prohibited items you see men scrambling to hide what they have before the guards find it. When the guards find things they send the prisoners away to the white room. All you can hear is screaming like dying animals when they are being dragged. Every prisoner that goes to the white room never comes back the same. I am lucky. My cell is one of the few cells that has a window, every night I lie on the top bunk and watch the sun go down and prepare for another night in this place. As the sun slowly sets I watch it run along the floor inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter it is slowly disappearing until suddenly complete darkness. Another night

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