The comfortable environment of friends and family, delicious smells, and valued conversations make Thanksgiving one of the most enjoyable moments of the year. For as long as I can remember, I have cherished the memories of Thanksgiving with my family. There are comforting sounds of laughter and lively movement throughout the house. With my whole family gathered nearby, I have no choice but to feel grateful. The delightful smell of the fresh, smoked ham fills the house. My grandpa and grandma’s house is small in size and has limited space for thirty people. She has a cramped island where all the food is placed for everyone to fill their plates with the Thanksgiving feast. We have different varieties of food to choose from for family gatherings because there are so many in my family. When the oven has been running all day, the crowded house feels like a stuffy dark closet with no fresh air. It is all worth it when the pumpkin pie, ham, and sweet corn aroma hits my nose. Once the variety of recipes are cooked and served, my whole family indulges in the feast. Every Thanksgiving, I promise myself to not eat as much as last year, but it never works I am always miserable and wish there was a bed …show more content…
I usually sit with my cousins, most of which are all boys, and that is a story in itself. I usually sit in the living room with my rowdy cousins and watch them pick on their younger siblings. They bicker back and forth about whose truck runs better. We all wait patiently for the dessert to be cut and served. Once everyone has a piece of dessert everyone is silent. When I take the first bite of the pumpkin pie it melts in my mouth and it is the best thing I have eaten all night. I can tell when everyone finishes their delicious dessert because the house becomes exceptionally loud again. My family gatherings last for four hours and it is over in a
Heavenly smells in the air, footballs on T.V, family is gathered around, and a comfortable homey feel of my grandmother’s house makes Thanksgiving one of my favorite meals of the year. I will always have memories of thanksgiving at my grandmothers. The smell that rushes your nose as you walk in to the house. So many mouthwatering smells go through the air at my grandmother’s thanksgiving. Her Thanksgiving dinner never fails to fulfill my expectations. With the whole family gathered and the dinner table full of delicious food, I can’t help but feel content.
Thanksgiving is a national and annual holiday where people express their gratitude and appreciation towards family members, friends, significant others, their religion, their health, their education, or are appreciative of what they have. Most of us are all aware that Thanksgiving is one of the happiest days of the year because we all share a traditional meal with our family and often give thanks to our loved ones. Typically, on this day interactions are what is primarily being focused on. Everyone is communicating with one another about how grateful they are to have them in their lives and this ultimately strengthens and provides reassurance to the relationship. The most important part about Thanksgiving is that all families come together
Culturally Americans have accepted that Thanksgiving is a time for family to get together, so with greater emphasis being placed on social support and companionship the Thanksgiving holiday means even more (Solomon, 2013). Both our extended and nuclear family are part of that holiday, so videos like the one I selected drum up new excitement for the upcoming reunions. According to an article by The Food Channel, Thanksgiving for some goes hand in hand with family. There is an expectation of certain foods and an abundance of food. The video below is a snippet from a pastor’s sermon that was remixed.
Thanksgiving weekend is a time for family. My sister just moved into the house she just built. My sisters and a few of her really close cousins came over for appetizers and desserts.
Far too often in our selfish-minded culture, we forget to be thankful for the many blessings we have. There is a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and I've never gone hungry. I'm thankful that I am homeschooled; I do not have to deal with bullies at school and I am able to have a more flexible schedule so that I have an increased amount of free time to spend with family. I am also thankful for my little sister and my parents who care for me and work hard to provide me with everything I need and want. In addition, I feel grateful for my artistic and musical talent. However, most of all, I am deeply grateful for my entire family, the warmth, love, and companionship they bring, and my relationship with
Thanksgiving is the time to come to enjoy each other's company and eat good. Most of the time families watch football together and catch up with each other. Thanksgiving means showing thanks and appreciation to the ones that have been so good and loyal to them. Show their loved ones they are appreciated and that you love them.
Thanksgiving isn't only just about fun, it's also about being thankful for such a blessed life and bonding closer with family. It's great to be together, and we are lucky to have such an amazing life. We are all thankful for the many years of family and fun in our lives to
This year Thanksgiving is on November 23,2017. Every year my family Thanksgiving is the best, to me at least. So we always have Thanksgiving at my Grandmas and Grandpas, but not this year we are having it at my house. Which I mean could be good and bad. Good is it is at my house so it’s cool and bad, the house has to be completely spotless or my mom will freak out. Normally what we do every year is we get my family together and have dinner, mess around, and watch football. This year my dad's brother is coming with his three daughters and his wife and my grandpa and grandma. I really can’t wait to see them all because I don't really see them that much as I would like to. When we have a family dinner like this we always have a lot of food for everyone.
Thanksgiving Holiday means so much to me. I love to celebrate that extended weekend with my family. On the eve of the big day, my cousins and I meet at an elder’s house and then the festivities began. This shared feast started in 1621 with the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians sharing a harvest feast ("Thanksgiving," 2016). A portion of the food can be prepared the day before. We decide who would handle what task and when it time clean up the second generation, always try to make the third generation do it. We then continue to cook and clean and reminisce of our past year. Sometimes we would bring up our childhood pranks and stories of family members that passed and present. On the day of Thanksgiving we finish cooking,
Thanksgiving is the best holiday hands down. I’m talking even better than Christmas and Valentine's Day. I love Thanksgiving because it is during the best time of year, there is so much good food, and the meaning and purposes have stayed good and the same over the years. Christmas and Valentine's day are exciting and fun, but the little details make Thanksgiving much better. Its these little details that make the Thanksgiving holiday and season more enjoyable and pleasant.
It 's a tradition that my moms side of the family come to my grandmas house for Thanksgiving. The cool air and falling leaves is a sign of fall and Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday. I don’t like my cousins very much and I 'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. Thanksgiving is not that cheerful for me. Years ago at Thanksgiving, I was not excited for it, just like every other year. My grandmas basement is very much underground and quite dark without the lights on. My cousins were running around the basement playing around. I started to try to scare them by hiding and popping out saying "Boo!". Evening approached and the moon starts to come out of hiding and the night starts to set in. It’s a cool night outside and the sun starts to
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate our joys with friends and family. Unfortunately, if you are the person designated to cooking the holiday dinner, the joys can turn into complete and total fear. I'll never forget the first time I made Thanksgiving dinner for twenty family members and friends. I waited until the last minute to start and the dinner ended in a complete disaster. In the years following that failure, I have learned that preparing a Thanksgiving dinner is easy...if you plan ahead.
At thanksgiving I celebrate it with my grandparents and aunts and uncles because they always love to hang out at thanksgiving. We would all sit at a big dinner table with all the food on it and we would have to at least get a little bit of everything.Tara’s family comes to their house and they all sit at a big dinner table to celebrate their thanksgiving.Brian’s family does the same at his house,but they don’t really sit at a big dinner table because not all of his family comes so they eat at a little smaller one for
I have discovered that people don’t share the same Thanksgiving traditions as me. Chicken, Duck, Turkey, and Turdunkin are all enjoyed as main course meals! Vegetables, mashed potatoes, rolls, cookies, ice cream, lemon pie, and blueberry pie bars are also enjoyed on Thanksgiving. Cookies, assorted pies, and blueberry pie bars are commonly enjoyed, and they actually sound pretty tasty! The favorite part of some people’s Thanksgiving feast would be the pie and rolls. Meals aren’t always eaten with family at the table. Some families sit on the couch, while they watch tv, or they eat at a fancy restaurant. Everyone has their own customs when it comes to the holidays.
We all have family traditions, some of which we take pride in, some of which we dread and despise but, whether you know it or not they are what make us who we are. One of my favorite traditions that I can truly say I’m passionate for would have to be Thanksgiving dinner. The dinner for the holiday goes by in a blink of an eye because of all the enjoyment. However, the preparations that lead up to the day are long and prestigious even though they are what make the dinner so great. Since the holiday comes up before we know it, we get started as soon as the year hits mid fall.