
Descriptive Essay On My First Car

Decent Essays

A HUGE JOKE I finally was driving my first car to school after about an hour of it being broke or I thought. My first car was a 1998 Ford Ranger. It had survived 3 teenagers before me and they drove it all through high school and now it was my turn to drive the white rust bucket to school. My dad asked if I would need any help and me being a teenager thinking I know everything in the world said “no”. I ripped the keys from my father's firm hand, his face had a smirk on his face like he knew something I didn’t. I sprinted so fast I could have set a world record in the 20 yard dash, to the truck out of excitement “ I’m gonna be so cool because I can drive to school unlike some kids” I thought. I ripped open the door so hard the whole truck started shaking from the shir force of my pull. “Damn I'm strong” I thought when I realized what actually happened. I looked back at the house to see if my father had seen what I did and with my luck he had been watching me the whole time he still had the damn smirk on his face. “I’m gonna have to hear a lecture later about not beating the shit out of vehicles”, I climbed in the truck but it looked like a little kid trying to shove a cube into a circular hole. Finally I positioned myself just right that I could fit my whole body into the driver's seat, but of course my head was always touching the roof and I had no leg room to switch from the different pedals. I jammed my foot down on the brake, then I forced the key into the

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