
Descriptive Essay On My Bus Ride

Decent Essays

The Adventures of My Daily Bus Ride
You never know what to expect when you ride public transportation. You will always find a variety of people and while you will see new passengers every day after a short period of time you begin to recognize the regular commuters who have a daily routine that public transportation is a vital part of. Each in his or her own world. Some are friendly, others are people who just want to be left alone and ride in silence. Every morning I make the same short walk down my narrow tree lined street to Burnside and make my way to the bus stop. The stop itself is nothing more than a pole stuck into the concrete with a small sign on top identifying this section of sidewalk as a bus stop: number 8745 Burnside/Stark, 20 to Beaverton TC. After standing there for just a few minutes that feel like an eternity, watching traffic drive by, I look and in the distance and I can see the white and blue bus making its way to my stop. As the bus slowly rolls to a stop in front of me I shuffle my bags and rush forward to board with excitement to finally be on my way. As I board with my bus pass in hand and a ready smile for the driver, greeting her with a cheery good morning, I am somewhat surprised to find she is so preoccupied with her own thoughts she barely glances my way. Undeterred I try again and say, “It sure is nice out today”. When I still get no response, I say thank you and amble down the aisle to find a seat. The bus is crowded with morning commuters each preoccupied with their own thoughts and each going to their own destination. As I look around for a vacant seat, I notice the variety of passengers on the bus. I see a tired mother with two small children both climbing all over her and the bench seat they are occupying. She is trying to get the children to sit down without any luck. Across from her sits an older lady who I see almost every morning, clutching a little grocery cart with several plastic bags tied to the handle. We make eye contact and I smile. A couple seats over is a teenage girl with blue hair and facial piercings who has not once looked up from the smart phone she has in her hand. She’s lost in the tiny earbuds attached to the sides of her head. She seems to be

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