
Descriptive Essay : ' Living Alaska '

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I sit outside enjoying the warmth of the sun and the breeze rushing through the trees. I imagine myself in the mountains somewhere exploring new trails without a care in the world then I lean over and realize I’m in reality, I am sitting on the couch with the window open watching yet another episode of “Living Alaska” on HGTV. I reach for my cup of coffee, but it’s already gotten cold so I end up just throwing it out. My mind wanders I picture myself living in a huge log cabin with tall ceilings and windows that let in tons of light. The fireplace is going and my husky named Rose nuzzles her head by my side. The irony of my story pertains to the fact that I have big ideas for my future, but sometimes I struggle with the follow through. Our generation is often told to accomplish extraordinary things. We are the future and shaping our minds to be leaders is considered vital. As time advances and the world continues to change our generation is continually known for being wasteful, unmotivated, and never satisfied. Commercials everywhere promote recycling whether it be cans, cardboard, old phones, or personal items you have no use for anymore. Recycling all these items is a phenomenal way to help reduce waste, but when I am referring to our wasteful generation I don’t just mean material things. I am also referring to money, time, and resources. People swipe a magical plastic card today believing they can practically buy their own happiness. They show up late and skip events

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