I sit outside enjoying the warmth of the sun and the breeze rushing through the trees. I imagine myself in the mountains somewhere exploring new trails without a care in the world then I lean over and realize I’m in reality, I am sitting on the couch with the window open watching yet another episode of “Living Alaska” on HGTV. I reach for my cup of coffee, but it’s already gotten cold so I end up just throwing it out. My mind wanders I picture myself living in a huge log cabin with tall ceilings and windows that let in tons of light. The fireplace is going and my husky named Rose nuzzles her head by my side. The irony of my story pertains to the fact that I have big ideas for my future, but sometimes I struggle with the follow through. Our generation is often told to accomplish extraordinary things. We are the future and shaping our minds to be leaders is considered vital. As time advances and the world continues to change our generation is continually known for being wasteful, unmotivated, and never satisfied. Commercials everywhere promote recycling whether it be cans, cardboard, old phones, or personal items you have no use for anymore. Recycling all these items is a phenomenal way to help reduce waste, but when I am referring to our wasteful generation I don’t just mean material things. I am also referring to money, time, and resources. People swipe a magical plastic card today believing they can practically buy their own happiness. They show up late and skip events
Alaska is known for its breathtaking view of the Northern Lights and the large bodies of water that surround this deserted state. It is also well known for its scenic parks, rugged mountains such as Mount McKinley which holds the highest peak in North America, and Mount Katmai which is known for its volcanic eruption in 1912. The state is also known for the Gold Rush. Alaska may not be the most populated but it certainly has some of the most beautiful and scenic views.
Looking for Alaska by John Green is a novel about as boy who moves to a boarding school, called Culver Creek. He meets this girl named Alaska, and they become close. They go through multitudes of activities together such as many pranks and school. A tragedy hits and the main character, and his roommate start looking for answers about her untimely death. This novel presents numerous themes that are transposed in it which include themes such as friendship, lies, home, rules and order, and suffering. All of these themes are portrayed in every person's life.
The Depiction of Fear in The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe
We all hear we need to recycle. We see labels with the iconic recycling symbol, but if that’s all we do we’re missing a huge portion of being ethically conscious consumers.
The society we live in is disposable we feel more than comfortable throwing away or removing things we use from cans, to shoes, and even plastic bottles because we feel as though it’s easier to throw them out then to fix them then reuse them. This process of renewal then reusing has been given a name; its name is “recycling”. The base word of recycle is cycle which according to Webster’s dictionary means to “a set of events or actions that happen again and again in the same order: a repeating series of events or actions.” While reading Garbology I learned the real reason why so much trash exists on our planet which is affecting our living conditions. Our planet is so “trashed” as a result undereducated people not pondering over where their trash ends up, allowing them to
Alaska is a land of special places, special moments, and special people. Alaska is a land of rare beauty and big distances. Alaska is so rich in natural resources. Alaska is one of the few great expanses of natural land left in the country. Alaska is so big, it covers several climatic and geographical regions.
The Last Frontier-Alaska Ever wanted to visit the largest state in the country of US, welcome to charming state Alaska. Alaska has many gorgeous attractions, wondrous things in it that it is known for, fun historical locations, and fabulous fun facts. But if you think that is it then read on and prepare to be surprised and Amazed!! Super Facts
I was on a vacation in Santorini,Greece when my dad told us that we had to move to Alaska in 5 months. Now when he told us I'm not gonna lie I did think "why would I wanna leave Europe to go live in that far state that shouldn't even be a state Alaska". So when we got back to Ansbach, Germany I told the friends I talked to that we have to move Alaska and they all laughed and thought I was just joking around with them. So I waited until they took me serious then we discussed about the move we all thought the same thing about Alaska and I knew for sure I wasn't gonna go. I tried everything in my power to stay in Germany my friends and I had five months to gather up a plan on how I could stay there and not have to leave
The novel was divided into two parts a before and after story. The before story of the novel is when Miles is living a normal life by meeting new friends, playing pranks, smoking, and drinking alcohol. The after story of the novel, Miles realizes nothing would be the same, after the death of Alaska. Alaska will never come back and everything would go back to normal by focusing on studies. When I was reading this novel, there were many components I had my own opinion regarding what was happening and questioning certain parts of the novel. In my perspective, many characters shown to either be disliked or liked, not all characters are perfect, but they show their own way to be who they are. Alaska is a great example because the author gives
Summary: Looking for Alaska is the story of a young boy named Miles Halter who leaves his hometown in Florida in order to attend Culver Creek Preparatory High School in Alabama for his junior year. This boy loves reading biographies and especially memorizing last words of famous people. At Culver Creek, he meets new friends such as Chip his roommate also called Colonel, Takumi and Alaska a beautiful young girl with whom he will fall in love but cannot have since she already has a boyfriend named Jake. Unfortunately, under their influence, Miles starts smoking and drinking alcohol. One night after having drank a lot of alcohol, Alaska and Miles start to kiss but do not go further because Alaska
Sia Furler, more commonly known by her stage name Sia, has been around since the late ‘90s. Furler’s discography spans from her first solo studio album OnlySee, released in December of 1997, to her most recent This Is Acting, released in January of this year. Except for the last two albums she has released, Furler’s albums have received mediocre success in sales. Although when it comes to her music, critics rarely have negative things to say. All of Furler’s fans can agree her albums showcase her talents as a vocalist, songwriter, and as a musician. Her album Some People Have Real Problems showcases these talents in a way that makes her fans argue this is probably her best album out of all seven.
Do you know that many americans do not know how important recycling is? In the article “Importance of Recycling” by Rinkesh he says, “Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations.” This statement explains how many americans do not know how important recycling is to keep this planet and many more generations going. Many people do not know the different ways recycling helps out our enviroment. Personally, recycling is important for the environment, which is why I decide participate in it and recycle at home. I like to recycle cans and bottles. In my opinion, there are many factors as to why the environment needs recycling, but to shorten the process I came up with three major needs as to why
Alaska is as complicated as a human body. The geography of Alaska is difficult to explore because of animals, terrain, and because of ice and snow.
The literature review relating to distance education, leadership, student accomplishment, and nontraditional instruction platforms discovered an unqualified absence of research data regarding nontraditional instruction programs, beyond a general narrative of how these initiatives are being implemented in various states. Research concerning technology leadership is more prevalent, but primarily focuses on perceptions and mindsets of principals, teachers, and students rather than on empirical data. Although research has been executed to study the relationship between technology leadership and student achievement, there is a dearth of conclusions specific to the relationship between administrative technology leadership and the impact of
Yes, recycling is often preferable to sending materials straight to the landfill, but recycling has its own demons. A big concern regarding recycling is the possibility of encouraging over consumption. As award winning environmental journalist Amy Westervelt explains in her essay, “Can Recycling Be Bad for the Environment”, people will ease the guilty they feel for massively over-consuming disposable goods by tossing the used items into their recycling bins (213). But not everything that’s recyclable gets recycled—recycling is