
Descriptive Essay: Is War Within American Community

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Is War Within American Community?
The soldier was violently awoken by the wheels of the bus clunking over two large speed humps. His head rested on the raw cold glass pane of the window of the bus as its brakes clamped down forcing the vehicle to a halt. The doors slid open with a squeak, which echoed in the weary head of the soldier like a shrieking wraith. He awkwardly set one foot off the bus slowly followed by the other foot and sleepily stumbles into the passenger walking ahead of him. The soldier hit the ground feeling its cold rocky surface dig into his worn hands he looked up seeing a tall, poorly aged African American man stare at him with a frustrated gaze. “I’m so sorry Sir,” the soldier said scrambling to his feet. The man looked …show more content…

To the battles he fought on the desert plains of Afghanistan, fighting for his country against the terrorist threat overseas. Those memories have scarred him permanently as he relives them daily. He began to panic at the thought of the combat he had experienced and collapsed to the ground once again feeling the embrace of the cold lifeless ground underneath him. He inhaled air in a panicking fit, his chest expanding and contracting rapidly as his body attempts to calm him down. His mind slows as his focus returns to the present and his breathing returns to normal. He gathers his thoughts and collects his feet underneath him as he stands tall feeling exhausted. He begins walking at his own pace with his mind strained and energy spent he cant understand how he still walks but he knows he needs to get home. He looks ahead of him as he sees the tall man he stumbled into …show more content…

Gazing to the sky, every second that passed felt like minutes to the soldier. The peaceful thoughts flowing through his mind like a calm stream was dangerously interrupted by the humming of sirens. He looked over his shoulder as 4 police patrol cars glided past him. Just a hundred metres ahead of him the wheels ripped up the road as the brakes squealed. Once the cars came to a halt, six policemen rushed out and crush tackled the tall African American. They hit the ground with a force that shook the ground like grenade on tarmac. The policemen demanded the man cooperate as the soldier looked on, frozen in shock at the events unfolding in front of him. One of the policemen crowing that the man was under arrest as he is a suspect to a robbery that occurred 5 minutes ago in the next town. The marine rushed to the man’s aid pleading “This man has been walking ahead of me for the past 10 minutes and we were on the same bus from the airport! I can be a witness for him!”. The policemen didn’t let up with all six of them holding the man down it was all interrupted by the shuddering sound of the snap of bone. The police had broken the mans arm…still they did not stop. The soldier could not stand by as this was happening. He grabbed a policeman by the shoulder and the marine was quickly met with a fist to his face. Knocked back by the unexpected attack. He shook himself

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