
Descriptive Essay

Decent Essays

CATEGORY: ART Christina Gao P.2
Scene/Specific Event

Migrant Mother
Dorothea Lange
In this black and white photo, a woman is seen pondering in distress. Around her are rags of dirty cloth and her clothes seem to be of poor quality. Her two children have their heads, lying on her shoulders and have their faces turned away from the camera. The infant, lying in the arms of the woman, is sleeping peacefully. The infant’s face is covered in what seems to be dirt and mud. The woman's eyebrows are furrowed while she slightly pinches the bottom of her right cheek. She is focused on something off in the distance, not paying attention to the camera. The mother’s body and head are tilted forward to allow for the uppermost comfort for each of the children.
Taken during the Great Depression, this photo captures the physical strength and perceptible worry of a mother. It creates a moment of anxiety as the woman silently contemplates her fears for her family. As she is touching her cheek, it communicates the tensions of the situation. The love of a mother is still the utmost, even during a harsh situation like this. The mother’s sacrifice of her own comfort for her children’s show her love and compassion for them.

Las Dos Fridas
Frida Kahlo
This painting portrays Kahlo's two different personalities: traditional and modern Kahlo. The two are holding hands and are both sitting next to one another. The traditional

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