
Descriptive Essay About My Best Cousin

Decent Essays

As my aunt drove closer and closer to the school, I found myself getting progressively more nervous. It was my first day at my new school after I moved here in the summer. I had a few months to adjust to my new home and get familiar with my new surroundings, but nothing could get me prepared for a whole new school. L had been great help with settling in and getting me used to my newest home, though. She’s truly was the best cousin I could have asked for, I seriously don't know where I would be without her. She’s more like a best friend to me. We’re the same age, the difference between us being just 10 days, which she loved to rub in my face. The two of us had always been close, from birth all the way until age 7 when me and my parents moved to Texas. We were both crushed, I even tried to sneak a young L into my suitcase before we left. Our little plan didn't work out, and I had to leave my best friend behind. Fortunately, when my family would come down for the holidays, it felt as though I never left. It was a bond that couldn't be broken by time or distance. Now that I was living with them, I got to see her 24/7. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a voice. “A? A did you hear what I said?” L waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked back to reality and focused in on her face “Sorry L,” I said sincerely. “My mind was off somewhere. Can you repeat that.” “I said, how do you feel about starting your last year of school here.” “I think I’m gonna be sick.” I felt

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