
Descriptive Essay: A Brief Description Of Lake Michigan

Decent Essays

You find yourself sitting on a beach. You know that the lake you see in front of you is Lake Michigan. You are sitting a little ahead of where the dune grass meets the area of open sand between the forest on the long hill that stretches as far as you can see down the beach behind you, and the lake itself. You got here a while ago, and have been sitting here, waiting for the moment that has just now arrived. The sun is low in the sky, setting the clouds ablaze with a haze of red and orange, with dark gathering at the edges of the sky, waiting for the sun to set and night to take hold. The lake has turned a deep crimson in the reflected light of the setting sun. While the water may be the color of blood, the lake's motion displays none of the violence of its color, gently breaking against the shore, with only a few small waves being blown up by the wind. In the dying moments of the day you feel a faint chill begin to rise, as a light but cold wind blows off the lake to break against your face. You don't mind though, as the fine sand beneath you still is warm from the day's heat. You take some in your hand, lift it up, and let it fall through your fingers, feeling the small grains glide between your fingers as the wind catches them and blows it away down the beach. …show more content…

As you watch the sun dip bellow the horizon, you listen to the soft sound of the waves breaking over the shore. The sound is quiet, and calming, as the wind has died down near the end of the day, with only the barest hint of wind coming off the lake to push the waves to the shore.
 As the sun dips below the horizon and night takes its hold on the sky, you still sit on the beach. You find yourself thinking how lucky you are to be able to be here and see this. You then get up, brush yourself off, and begin the walk back to the cottage, so that tomorrow you can come back and do this

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